Study Info
Doctoral Programmes
Exam Information
Examination Dates
Dates in the academic year 2024/2025
Dates in the academic year 2023/2024:
8.9.2023, 22.9.2023, 3.10.2023, 20.10.2023, 31.10.2023, 10.11.2023, 24.11.2023, 8.12.2023
11.1.2024, 26.1.2024, 9.2.2024, 23.2.2024, 1.3.2024, 15.3.2024, 22.3.2024,
5.4.2024, 11.4.2024, 25.4.2024, 3.5.2024, 14.5.2024, 30.5.2024, 5.6.2024, 6.6.2024, 10.6.2024, 12.6.2024, 20.6.2024, 26.6.2024
No dates will be announced for the summer holiday period (July-August)!
at 3:30 p.n.
February 11, 2025, at 15:30
March 11, 2025, at 15:30
April 8, 2025, at 15:30
May 6, 2025, at 15:30
June 3, 2025, at 15:30
Examinations take place at the Centre for Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, UP (Theoretical Institutes, Hněvotínská 3)
Full Information on the DSP Language Exam
Presentation of students‘ own research + discussion, answering questions
The student will prepare a presentation related to his/her own research, which will be sent to the examiner at least 1 week before the exam date.
The presentation should be at least 5 and no more than 10 minutes long.
The student will demonstrate the ability to communicate fluently in English, produce a logical, coherent and structured speech and discussion and respond to questions posed by the examiner.
Summary of students' own research
The student will send the examiner a brief text describing their own research project in English at least 1 week before the examination date.
The text will be 2-3 standard pages in length.
The text will be prepared based on the principles of biomedical article writing, properly structured and accompanied by a reference list(Vancouver style/Harvard style).
Work with a scientific text
For the examination, the student will choose a minimum of 60 pages of professional text in English (the author should be a native speaker) to work with.
The student will demonstrate the ability to work with a professional text to the extent of summarising the main ideas, translating selected passages, explaining terms, describing graphs and tables, and clarifying grammatical, lexical and stylistic phenomena used.
The student will provide the chosen text to the examiner at least 2 weeks before the scheduled examination date.
It is advisable to consult with the examiner in advance.
Summary of the professional text
The student will provide the examiner with a summary of the chosen professional text (see above) of 2-3 standard pages at least 2 weeks before the scheduled examination date.
The text is prepared based on the principles of biomedical article writing, properly structured and prepared under the principles of academic integrity (appropriate source work - citation, paraphrasing, summarization)
Mgr. Veronika Glogarová, Centre for Foreign Languages, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, UP
Tel. 585632715
For those interested in taking the DSP German language exam, we have prepared this summary material. It contains the information you need to prepare for the exam and will be continuously updated to include only valid information.
You can take the German language exam if it has been set for you in your individual DSP study plan. If your individual study plan does not explicitly state which language you are to take the exam in, it is assumed to be English. In this case, it is not possible to take the German exam without a valid change to your study plan.
The examiner for the DSP (German language subject) has set the following requirements for the DSP German examination:
Written outline of your own scientific work and its oral presentation
The student should be able to speak and discuss his/her own scientific work, his/her workplace, various problems in the field, his/her dissertation (topic, material, methods, results, practical applications, etc.), as well as the ability to use German and German-written literature.
Work with professional texts, reading and translation from German into Czech
A student chooses a minimum of 100 pages of professional text in German to work with for the exam. The exam will test a student's ability to read and orally translate a particular section of the German text into Czech, summarise the most important information, explain some concepts, describe any graphs, images, etc., and lead a discussion about the text. Active knowledge of vocabulary and grammar will be tested.
Study of normative grammar from any German textbook
explanation of a grammar phenomenon (in Czech) with German examples (passive voice, verb tenses and their use, sentence frame, adjective forms, present and past participles ... )
You must register for the exam (in person, by phone, in writing, by e-mail) at least 48 hours before the exam date with L. Podhorná.
Mgr. Lenka Podhorná – Centre for Foreign Languages, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry UP
All matters concerning the German exam are handled exclusively by L. Podhorná.
L. Podhorná will consult anything necessary with you regarding study literature, exam requirements, organization of the exam itself and deadlines.
Writing Lab for Doctoral Students
at the Centre for Foreign Languages at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry UP
We offer consultations on creating academic/professional texts in English
- For doctoral students
- For academics
Aimed at
Text structure
Cohesion and coherence
Linguistic and stylistic devices
Revising and editing the text according to international standards
Abstract writing and keyword selection
Given topic and idea of text type
Appropriate language level
Elaborate background to the text
You can come at any stage of the writing process
Mgr. Veronika Glogarová, Centre for Foreign Languages, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, UP
Tel. 585632715
Pregradual Courses
Winter semester 2023/2024:
Requirements for credit test/exam from Latin
Latin and Medical Terminology – REQUIREMENTS
Students are obliged to be present for each class for the entire semester (one absence being accepted). They are supposed to participate actively in seminars which implies their coming on time to the seminar, being sufficiently prepared, doing homework assigned by the teacher as well as carrying out the topic related tasks in the course of the seminars.
In case of a substitution a student must ask the head of the department to be given permission to substitute.
After having been absent a student must catch up on what he/she missed.
Only in case they have fulfilled all the required duties, students are allowed to take the final exam consisting of a written test.
The test is meant to verify students’ knowledge of basic medical terminology, their ability to apply grammatical rules to medical terms and to translate simple diagnoses. It contains the same type of grammatical exercises students know from the seminars. Using any electronic equipment, talking to other students as well as any other way of cheating in the course of the exam means an immediate disqualification. Such a student will not be permitted to retake the exam.
To pass successfully the exam, students must have a minimum score of 66%.
Students have 3 attempts to pass the exam.
Students attending the course in winter semester have to pass the exam before the summer holidays.
Requirements for credit test/exam from Czech - General Medicine
Winter Semester Course Credit Requirements (Czech I)
Required material
Ana Adamovičová, Darina Ivanovová: Basic Czech 1. 2021.
Material presented in the course.
To meet winter semester course credit requirements, students must attend classes regularly. Two unexcused absences per semester are allowed, but each subsequent absence will be recognized as an excused absence only if students present evidence of illness or any other event to the head of the Language Department. The subsequent absences must be substituted in the examination period. Students must be in class on time. Late arrivals are not tolerated, and students arriving late will be considered absent.
Participation in class
Students are expected to participate actively in classes and do all homework assignments. They are advised to take notes. Walking out of the classroom, using mobile phones or any disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated.
Written test
Students must take a written test and have a minimum score of 66%. The tests will be held in the last class of the winter semester or within the winter examination period (dates will be published in the electronic system). Individual requests concerning the timing of the tests will not be accepted. Students must register electronically, and will have three attempts to pass the test. Students are not allowed access to their mobile phones, laptops or any electronic devices during their written tests.
Summer Semester Course Credit and Exam Requirements (Czech I)
Required material
Ana Adamovičová, Darina Ivanovová: Basic Czech 1. 2021.
Material presented in the course.
To meet summer semester course credit requirements, students must attend classes regularly. Two unexcused absences per semester are allowed, but each subsequent absence will be recognized as an excused absence only if students present evidence of illness or any other event to the head of the Language Department. The subsequent absences must be substituted in the examination period. Students must be in class on time. Late arrivals are not tolerated, and students arriving late will be considered absent.
Participation in class
Students are expected to participate actively in classes and do all homework assignments. They are advised to take notes. Walking out of the classroom, using mobile phones or any disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated.
Written test
Students who score 87% or higher on progress tests held in classes do not have to take the final written test. Otherwise they must sit the final written test in the last class of the summer semester (no electronic registration) and have a minimum score of 66%. Students register electronically only for their second and third attempts which will be set in the examination period. Individual requests concerning the timing of the tests will not be accepted. Students are not allowed access to their mobile phones, laptops or any electronic devices during their written tests.
Oral test
Students who want to meet the Czech language final exam requirements must also sit an oral test consisting of two parts:
1. Reading and translating
Students are expected to be able to read and translate a simple written text.
2. Topics for discussion
Students are expected to show their understanding of basic Czech language skills and grammatical principals by being able to discuss the following topics:
A. Můj den
B. Moje rodina
C. Životní styl
D. Zdraví a nemoc
Students must register electronically, and will have three attempts to pass the oral test.
Czech Language Credit and Exam Requirements - 2nd Year
Required textbook:
ADAMOVIČOVÁ, A. – IVANOVOVÁ, D. – HRDLIČKA, M. Basic Czech II. Praha: Karolinum, 2020.
The final exam will also cover material presented in the course (see Moodle).
Students must be in class on time. Late arrivals are not tolerated and students arriving late will be considered absent.
Students are supposed to participate actively in seminars which implies their concentration, being sufficiently prepared, doing homework assigned by the teacher.
Walking out of the classroom, using electronic equipment for other than lesson´s purposes or any disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated.
10% of absences per semester can be unexcused and accepted without the duty to substitute the missing lesson. One absence can be substituted by attending another group (after consulting the teacher), each other subsequent absence will be recognized as an excused absence only if students present evidence of illness or any other event to the head of the Department of Foreign Languages. The substitution will be registered and signed by the teacher and the student as well.
Only in case they have fulfilled all the required duties, students are allowed to take the credit test.
The test will be held in the last class of the semester or within the examination period (dates will be published in the electronic system). Individual requests concerning the timing of the tests will not be accepted. Students must register electronically and will have three attempts to pass the test. The minimum score to pass is 66%.
Using any electronic equipment and the restroom during the test, talking to other students as well as any other way of cheating in the course of the test mean an immediate disqualification.
Students who pass each of three short tests written during the semester with the minimum score of 87% are relieved of the duty to take the credit test.
Students must register electronically and will have three attempts to pass the exam. Using any electronic equipment or cheating in the course of the exam mean an immediate disqualification.
The oral exam consists of three parts:
1. Case history taking
Students are expected to show the ability to form questions concerning a patient´s medical history.
2. Discussion
Students are expected to display their understanding of basic grammatical principles (e.g. imperative forms) and Czech language skills by being able to discuss topics:
Lidské tělo
Fyzický vzhled
Životní styl
Nemoci a příznaky
3. Reading and translating
Students are expected to be able to read and translate a simple written text. They are allowed to use a dictionary to prove their ability to deal with unfamiliar words and grammatical structures.
Winter Semester Course Credit Requirements (Czech III)
Required material
Čermáková, I. Talking Medicine Czech for Medical Students. Praha: Karolinum Press, 2012.
Material presented in the course.
To meet winter semester course credit requirements, students must attend classes regularly. One unexcused absence per semester is allowed, but each subsequent absence will be recognized as an excused absence only if students present evidence of illness or any other event to the head of the Language Department. The subsequent absences must be substituted in the examination period. Students must be in class on time. Late arrivals are not tolerated, and students arriving late will be considered absent.
Participation in class
Students are expected to participate actively in classes and do all homework assignments. They are advised to take notes. Walking out of the classroom, using mobile phones or any disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated.
Written test
Students must take a written test and have a minimum score of 66 %. The tests will be held in the last class of the winter semester or within the winter examination period (dates will be published in the electronic system). Individual requests concerning the timing of the tests will not be accepted. Students must register electronically, and will have three attempts to pass the test. Students are not allowed access to their mobile phones, laptops or any electronic devices during their written tests.
Summer Semester Course Credit and Exam Requirements (Czech III) - 3rd year
Required material
Čermáková, I. Talking Medicine Czech for Medical Students. Praha: Karolinum Press, 2012.
Material presented in the course.
To meet summer semester course credit requirements, students must attend classes regularly. One unexcused absence per semester is allowed, but each subsequent absence will be recognized as an excused absence only if students present evidence of illness or any other event to the head of the Language Department. The subsequent absences must be substituted in the examination period. Students must be in class on time. Late arrivals are not tolerated, and students arriving late will be considered absent.
Participation in class
Students are expected to participate actively in classes and do all homework assignments. They are advised to take notes. Walking out of the classroom, using mobile phones or any disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated.
Written test
Students must take a written test and have a minimum score of 66%. The tests will be held in the last class of the summer semester (no electronic registration). Students register electronically only for their second and third attempts which will be set in the examination period. Individual requests concerning the timing of the tests will not be accepted. Students are not allowed access to their mobile phones, laptops or any electronic devices during their written tests.
Oral test
Students who want to meet the Czech language final exam requirements must also sit an oral test consisting of two parts:
- Reading and translating
Students are expected to be able to read and translate a simple medical text. - Case history taking
Students must prove their understanding of some Czech medical terms and basic grammatical principals by being able to form questions concerning a patient‘s medical history.
Students must register electronically, and will have three attempts to pass the oral test.
Requirements for exam from Czech - Dentistry
Czech Language Credit and Exam Requirements - Dentistry - 1st Year
Required textbook:
REŠKOVÁ, I. - PINTAROVÁ, M. Communicative Czech (Elementary Czech). 2009.
The final exam will also cover material presented in the course (see Moodle).
Students must be in class on time. Late arrivals are not tolerated and students arriving late will be considered absent.
Students are supposed to participate actively in seminars which implies their concentration, being sufficiently prepared, doing homework assigned by the teacher.
Walking out of the classroom, using electronic equipment for other than lesson´s purposes or any disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated.
10% of absences per semester can be unexcused and accepted without the duty to substitute the missing lesson. One absence can be substituted by attending another group (after consulting the teacher), each other subsequent absence will be recognized as an excused absence only if students present evidence of illness or any other event to the head of the Department of Foreign Languages. The substitution will be registered and signed by the teacher and the student as well.
Only in case they have fulfilled all the required duties, students are allowed to take the credit test.
The test will be held in the last class of the semester or within the examination period (dates will be published in the electronic system). Individual requests concerning the timing of the tests will not be accepted. Students must register electronically and will have three attempts to pass the test. The minimum score to pass is 66%.
Using any electronic equipment and the restroom during the test, talking to other students as well as any other way of cheating in the course of the test mean an immediate disqualification.
Students who pass each of three short tests written during the semester with the minimum score of 87% are relieved of the duty to take the credit test.
Students must register electronically and will have three attempts to pass the exam. Using any electronic equipment or cheating in the course of the exam mean an immediate disqualification.
The oral exam consists of two basic parts:
1. Case history taking and basic instructions
a) Students are expected to show the ability to form questions concerning a patient´s medical history.
b) Students are expected to show the ability to form basic instructions as well as the knowledge of vocabulary related to the tooth structure.
2. Reading and translating
Students are expected to be able to read and translate a simple dental health article. They are allowed to use a dictionary to prove their ability to deal with unfamiliar words and grammatical structures.
Students are expected to display their understanding of basic grammatical principles (e.g. imperative forms) and Czech language skills by being able to discuss the topic Životní styl.
Czech Language Credit and Exam Requirements - Dentistry – 2nd Year
The final exam will cover material presented in the course (see Moodle).
Students must be in class on time. Late arrivals are not tolerated and students arriving late will be considered absent.
Students are supposed to participate actively in seminars which implies their concentration, being sufficiently prepared, doing homework assigned by the teacher.
Walking out of the classroom, using electronic equipment for other than lesson´s purposes or any disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated.
10% of absences per semester can be unexcused and accepted without the duty to substitute the missing lesson. One absence can be substituted by attending another group (after consulting the teacher), each other subsequent absence will be recognized as an excused absence only if students present evidence of illness or any other event to the head of the Department of Foreign Languages. The substitution will be registered and signed by the teacher and the student as well.
Only in case they have fulfilled all the required duties, students are allowed to take the credit test.
The test will be held in the last class of the semester or within the examination period (dates will be published in the electronic system). Individual requests concerning the timing of the tests will not be accepted. Students must register electronically and will have three attempts to pass the test. The minimum score to pass is 66%.
Using any electronic equipment and the restroom during the test, talking to other students as well as any other way of cheating in the course of the test mean an immediate disqualification.
Students must register electronically and will have three attempts to pass the exam. Using any electronic equipment or cheating in the course of the exam mean an immediate disqualification.
The oral exam consists of two basic parts:
1. Case history taking and basic instructions
a) Students are expected to show the ability to form questions concerning a patient´s medical history.
b) Students are expected to show the ability to form basic instructions as well as the knowledge of vocabulary related to the tooth structure.
2. Reading and translating
Students are expected to be able to read and translate a simple dental health article. They are allowed to use a dictionary to prove their ability to deal with unfamiliar words and grammatical structures.
Latin and Medical Terminology
Program of Study | : | General Medicine |
Course | : | Latin and Medical Terminology |
Abbreviation | : | CJA/VA031 |
Schedule | : | 30 hours of seminars |
Course Distribution | : | 1st Year, 1st or 2nd Semester |
Number of Credits | : | 3 |
Course Form | : | Seminars |
Teachers: | Mgr. Petra Nováčková | |
Study: | Continuous, classroom 1 (room No. 5.087), Department of Foreign Languages; Group A – Tuesday 8.00 – 9.30 (SS), Group B – Friday 11.30 – 13.00 (SS), Group C – Tuesday 8.00 – 9.30 (WS), Group D – Tuesday 9.45 – 11.15 (WS), Group E – Thursday 9.45 – 11.15 (WS) |
Week | Subject | No. of Less. | Teacher | |
1 | 18. 9. 2023 – 22. 9. 2023 12. 2. 2024 – 16. 2. 2024 | Introduction. Latin Pronunciation. System of Latin Grammar. Structure of Medical Terminology. | 2 | Nováčková |
2 | 25. 9. 2023 – 29. 9. 2023 19. 2. 2024 – 23. 2. 2024 | 1st Declension. Connecting Substantives and Adjectives. Close and Loose Attribute. | 2 | Nováčková |
3 | 2. 10. 2023 – 6. 10. 2023 26. 2. 2024 – 1. 3. 2024 | 1st Declension. Phrases with Prepositions. | 2 | Nováčková |
4 | 9. 10. 2023 – 13. 10. 2023 4. 3. 2024 – 8. 3. 2024 | 2nd Declension – Masculines. | 2 | Nováčková |
5 | 16. 10. 2023 – 20. 10. 2023 11. 3. 2024 – 15. 3. 2024 | 2nd Declension – Feminines. | 2 | Nováčková |
6 | 23. 10. 2023 – 27. 10. 2023 18. 3. 2024 – 22. 3. 2024 | 2nd Declension – Neuters. | 2 | Nováčková |
7 | 30. 10. 2023 – 3. 11. 2023 25. 3. 2024 – 28. 3. 2024 | Revision of 1st and 2nd Declension. Mock test. | 2 | Nováčková |
8 | 6. 11. 2023 – 10. 11. 2023 2. 4. 2024 – 5. 4. 2024 | 4th Declension. | 2 | Nováčková |
9 | 13. 11. 2023 – 16. 11. 2023 8. 4. 2024 – 12. 4. 2024 | 5th Declension. | 2 | Nováčková |
10 | 20. 11. 2023 – 24. 11. 2023 15. 4. 2024 – 19. 4. 2024 | Revision of 4th and 5th Declension. Mock test. | 2 | Nováčková |
11 | 27. 11. 2023 – 1. 12. 2023 22. 4. 2024 – 26. 4. 2024 | 3rd Declension. | 2 | Nováčková |
12 | 4. 12. 2023 – 8. 12. 2023 29. 4. 2024 – 3. 5. 2024 | 3rd Declension – Exceptions. | 2 | Nováčková |
13 | 11. 12. 2023 – 15. 12. 2023 6. 5. 2024 – 10. 5. 2024 | Revision of 3rd Declension. Mock test. | 2 | Nováčková |
14 | 18. 12. 2023 – 22. 12. 2023 13. 5. 2024 – 17. 5. 2024 | Revision. Evaluation. | 2 | Nováčková |
15 | 2. 1. 2024 – 5. 1. 2024 20. 5. 2024 – 24. 5. 2024 | Final test. | 2 | Nováčková |
Completed by: | Examination (written form). |
Requirements: | Active attendance at seminars (1 absence permitted – i.e. 10 % of seminars). Passing the final test with the score of at least 66 %. |
Literature: | D. Svobodová: Introduction into the Greco-Latin Medical Terminology, UK Praha 2011 |
Czech I
Program of Study | : | General Medicine |
Course | : | Czech I |
Abbreviation | : | CJA/VAA41 |
Schedule | : | 60 hours of seminars |
Course Distribution | : | 1st Year, 1st Semester |
Number of Credits | : | 0 |
Course Form | : | Seminars |
Teachers: | Mgr. Dagmar Hrabalová | |
Study: | Continuous, CJ3 (Department of Foreign Languages) |
Week | Subject | No. of Less. | Teacher | |
1 | 18. 9. 2023 - 22. 9. 2023 | Výslovnost. Pronunciation. L 1 – Pozdravy a základní fráze. Greetings and Basic Phrases. | 4 | Hrabalová |
2 | 25. 9. 2023 -29. 9. 2023 | L 1 – Sloveso „být“. Verb „to Be“. Osobní zájmena. Personal Pronouns. Gramatický rod v češtině. Grammatical Gender in Czech. Lidské tělo. Human Body. | 4 | Hrabalová |
3 | 2. 10. 2023 - 6. 10. 2023 | L 1 – Adverbia místa. Adverbs of Place. Ukazovací zájmena. Demonstrative Pronouns. | 4 | Hrabalová |
4 | 9. 10. 2023 -13. 10. 2023 | L 2 – Adjektiva. Adjectives. Barvy. Colours. Přivlastňovací zájmena. Possessive Pronouns. Můj pokoj. My Room. | 4 | Hrabalová |
5 | 16. 10. 2023 - 20. 10. 2023 | L 2 – Číslovky základní. Cardinal Numerals. Sloveso „mít“. Verb „to Have“. | 4 | Hrabalová |
6 | 23. 10. 2023 - 27. 10. 2023 | L 3 – Přítomný čas. Present Tense. Základní osobní údaje. Talking about Yourself. | 4 | Hrabalová |
7 | 30. 10. 2023 - 3. 11. 2023 | L 3 – Přítomný čas. Present Tense. Akuzativ singuláru. Accusative Singular. | 4 | Hrabalová |
8 | 6. 11. 2023 -10. 11. 2023 | Můj den. My Daily Routine. Časové údaje. Time Expressions. | 4 | Hrabalová |
9 | 13. 11. 2023 -16. 11. 2023 | Časové údaje. Time Expressions. L 3 – Číslovky řadové. Ordinal numerals. | 4 | Hrabalová |
10 | 20. 11. 2023 - 24. 11. 2023 | L 3 – Slovesa „znát, vědět, umět“. Verbs „to know“. Jídlo. Food. | 4 | Hrabalová |
11 | 27. 11. 2023 - 1. 12. 2023 | L 4 – Nominativ a akuzativ plurálu. Nominative and Accusative Plural. Nakupování. Shopping. | 4 | Hrabalová |
12 | 4. 12. 2023 - 8. 12. 2023 | Anamnéza (základní otázky). Taking a Medical History (basic questions). | 4 | Hrabalová |
13 | 11. 12. 2023 - 15. 12. 2023 | Akuzativ osobních zájmen. Accusative of Personal Pronouns. Bolest. Pain. | 4 | Hrabalová |
14 | 18. 12. 2023 - 22. 12. 2023 | Zdraví a nemoc. Health and Illness. Příznaky. Symptoms. | 4 | Hrabalová |
15 | 2. 1. 2024 - 5. 1. 2024 | Opakování. Revision | 4 | Hrabalová |
Completed by: | Credit |
Requirement: | Students who want to meet the credit requirements must take a final written test and have a minimum score of 66 %. They are expected to participate actively in class, complete homework assignments and perform successfully on practice tests. Students are also required to attend class regularly. |
Literature: | 1. Ana Adamovičová, Darina Ivanovová: Basic Czech 1. 2021. 2. Material presented in the course. |
Czech II
Program of Study | : | General Medicine |
Course | : | Czech II |
Abbreviation | : | CJA/VAA42 |
Schedule | : | 60 hours of seminars |
Course Distribution | : | 2nd Year, 1st Semester |
Number of Credits | : | 0 |
Course Form | : | Seminars |
Teachers: | Mgr. Lenka Podhorná | |
Study: | Continuous, CJ2 (Department of Foreign Languages) |
Week | Subject | No. of Less. | Teacher | |
1 | 18. 9. 2023 –22. 9. 2023 | Opakování. Revision. Popis osoby. Describing a Person. Cestování, prázdniny. Travelling, Holiday. | 4 | Podhorná |
2 | 25. 9. 2023 – 29. 9. 2023 | Slovesa pohybu. Verbs of Motion. Minulý čas. Past Tense. Dopravní prostředky. Means of Transport. | 4 | Podhorná |
3 | 2. 10. 2023 – 6. 10. 2023 | Genitiv singuláru. Genitive Singular. Nakupování I. Shopping I. | Podhorná | |
4 | 9. 10. 2023 –13. 10. 2023 | Řadové číslovky. Ordinal Numerals. Měsíce. Months. Datum narození. Date of Birth. | 4 | Podhorná |
5 | 16. 10. 2023 – 20. 10. 2023 | Určování času. Telling the Time. Pozvání. Invitation. Divadlo. Kino. Televize. Theatre. Cinema. Television. | 4 | Podhorná |
6 | 23. 10. 2023 – 27. 10. 2023 | Genitiv plurálu. Genitive Plural. Nakupování II. Shopping II. | 4 | Podhorná |
7 | 30. 10. 2023 – 3. 11. 2023 | Nominativ plurálu Ma. Nominative Plural Ma. Zájmena každý, žádný, všichni. Pronouns každý, žádný, všichni. | 4 | Podhorná |
8 | 6. 11. 2023 –10. 11. 2023 | Shoda jmen a sloves po číslovkách. Noun and Verb Agreement with Counted Expressions. | 4 | Podhorná |
9 | 13. 11. 2023 – 16. 11. 2023 | Roční období. Seasons of the Year. Počasí. Weather. Tvoření příslovcí. Forming of Adverbs. | 4 | Podhorná |
10 | 20. 11. 2023 – 24. 11. 2023 | Lokál singuláru. Locative Singular. | 4 | Podhorná |
11 | 27. 11. 2023 – 1. 12. 2023 | Dativ singuláru. Dative Singular. | 4 | Podhorná |
12 | 4. 12. 2023 – 8. 12. 2023 | Příklady užití lokálu a dativu sg. Examples of Locative Sg. and Dative Sg. | 4 | Podhorná |
13 | 11. 12. 2023 – 15. 12. 2023 | Nedokonavá a dokonavá slovesa. Imperfective and Perfective Verbs. | 4 | Podhorná |
14 | 18. 12. 2023 –22. 12. 2023 | Budoucí čas. Future Tense. | 4 | Podhorná |
15 | 2. 1. 2024 – 5. 1. 2024 | Opakování. Revision. Závěrečný test. Final Test. | 4 | Podhorná |
Completed by: | Credit |
Requirements: | Students are supposed to participate actively in seminars which implies their concentration, being sufficiently prepared, doing homework assigned by the teacher. Only in case they have fulfilled all the required duties, students are allowed to take the credit test. The minimum score to pass is 66%. Students who pass each of three short tests written during the semester with the minimum score of 87% are relieved of the duty to take the credit test. |
Literature: |
Czech III
Program of Study | : | General Medicine |
Course | : | Czech III |
Abbreviation | : | CJA/VAA43 |
Schedule | : | 30 hours of seminars |
Course Distribution | : | 3rd Year, 1st Semester |
Number of Credits | : | 0 |
Course Form | : | Seminars |
Seminars :
Teachers : | Mgr. Dagmar Hrabalová | |
Study : | Continuous, CJ3 (Department of Foreign Languages) |
Week | Subject | No. of Less. | Teacher | |
1 | 18. 9. 2023 - 22. 9. 2023 | Vyšetření pacienta. Pokyny. Examination of the Patient. Instructions. | 2 | Hrabalová |
2 | 25. 9. 2023 -29. 9. 2023 | Anamnéza (úvod). Nynější onemocnění. Taking a History (introduction). Presenting Complaints. | 2 | Hrabalová |
3 | 2. 10. 2023 - 6. 10. 2023 | Rodinná anamnéza. Sociální a pracovní anamnéza. Family History. Social and Work History. | 2 | Hrabalová |
4 | 9. 10. 2023 - 13. 10. 2023 | Osobní anamnéza. Nemoci a potíže. Personal History. Diseases and Complaints. | 2 | Hrabalová |
5 | 16. 10. 2023 - 20. 10. 2023 | Kardiovaskulární systém – anamnéza. Cardiovascular System – Case History Taking. | 2 | Hrabalová |
6 | 23. 10. 2023 - 27. 10. 2023 | Kardiovaskulární systém – anamnéza. Cardiovascular System – Case History Taking. | 2 | Hrabalová |
7 | 30. 10. 2023 - 3. 11. 2023 | Kardiovaskulární systém – anamnéza. Cardiovascular System – Case History Taking. | 2 | Hrabalová |
8 | 6. 11. 2023 - 10. 11. 2023 | Dýchací systém – anamnéza. Respiratory System – Case History Taking. | 2 | Hrabalová |
9 | 13. 11. 2023 - 16. 11. 2023 | Dýchací systém – anamnéza. Respiratory System – Case History Taking. | 2 | Hrabalová |
10 | 20. 11. 2023 - 24. 11. 2023 | Trávicí systém – anamnéza. Digestive System – Case History Taking. | 2 | Hrabalová |
11 | 27. 11. 2023 – 1. 12. 2023 | Trávicí systém – anamnéza. Digestive System – Case History Taking. | 2 | Hrabalová |
12 | 4. 12. 2023 - 8.12. 2023 | Trávicí systém – anamnéza. Digestive System – Case History Taking. | 2 | Hrabalová |
13 | 11. 12. 2023 - 15. 12. 2023 | Psychiatrické vyšetření. Psychiatric Examination. | 2 | Hrabalová |
14 | 18. 12. 2023 - 22. 12. 2023 | Psychiatrické vyšetření. Psychiatric Examination | 2 | Hrabalová |
15 | 2. 1. 2024 - 6. 1. 2024 | Závěrečný test. Final test. | 2 | Hrabalová |
Completed by : | Credit |
Requirements : | Students who want to meet the credit requirements must take a written test and have a minimum score of 66 %. They are expected to participate actively in class, complete homework assignments and perform successfully on practice tests. Students are also required to attend class regularly. |
Literature : |
Czech I - Dentistry
Program of Study | : | Dentistry |
Course | : | Czech 1 |
Abbreviation | : | CJA/ZAA41 |
Schedule | : | 90 hours of seminars |
Course Distribution | : | 1st Year, 1st Semester |
Number of Credits | : | 0 |
Course Form | : | Seminars |
Teachers: | Mgr. Lenka Podhorná | |
Study: | Continuous, Mo 3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m., CJ3, Thu 9:45 a.m.-11:15 a.m., CJ2, Fri 1:15 p.m.-2:45 p.m., CJ2 (Department of Foreign Languages) |
Week | Subject | No. of Less. | Teacher | |
1 | 18. 9. 2023 –22. 9. 2023 | Úvod – Výslovnost. Introduction – Pronunciation. Pozdravy a základní fráze. Greetings and Basic Phrases. Osobní zájmena. Personal Pronouns. | 6 | Podhorná |
2 | 25. 9. 2023 – 29. 9. 2023 | L 1 – Sloveso „být“. L 1 – Verb „to be“. Gramatický rod. Grammatical Gender. | 6 | Podhorná |
3 | 2. 10. 2023 – 6. 10. 2023 | L 2 – Prézens sloves. L 2 – Present Tense of Verbs. | 6 | Podhorná |
4 | 9. 10. 2023 –13. 10. 2023 | L 3 – Denní program. L 3 – Daily Routine. Základní číslovky. Cardinal Numerals. | 6 | Podhorná |
5 | 16. 10. 2023 – 20. 10. 2023 | L 4 – Orientace. L 4 – Orientation. Příklady lokálu singuláru. Examples of Locative Singular. | 6 | Podhorná |
6 | 23. 10. 2023 – 27. 10. 2023 | L 4 – Neurčitá a negativní zájmena a adverbia. L 4 – Indefinite and Negative Pronouns and Adverbs. | 6 | Podhorná |
7 | 30. 10. 2023 – 3. 11. 2023 | L 5 – V restauraci. Nakupování. L 5 – In a Restaurant. Shopping. Akuzativ singuláru. Accusative Singular. | 6 | Podhorná |
8 | 6. 11. 2023 –10. 11. 2023 | L 6 – Minulý čas. L 6 – Past Tense. | 6 | Podhorná |
9 | 13. 11. 2023 – 16. 11. 2023 | Lidské tělo. Human Body. Akuzativ a nominativ plurálu. Accusative and Nominative Plural. | 4 | Podhorná |
10 | 20. 11. 2023 – 24. 11. 2023 | L 6 – Genitiv singuláru. L 6 – Genitive Singular. Nakupování II. Shopping II. | 6 | Podhorná |
11 | 27. 11. 2023 – 1. 12. 2023 | L 6 – Řadové číslovky. L 6 – Ordinal Numerals. Datum narození. Date of Birth. Určování času. Telling the Time. | 6 | Podhorná |
12 | 4. 12. 2023 – 8. 12. 2023 | L 7 – Genitiv plurálu. L 7 – Genitive Plural. Nakupování III. Shopping III. | 6 | Podhorná |
13 | 11. 12. 2023 – 15. 12. 2023 | L 8 – Časové otázky. L 8 – Time Questions. Shoda jmen a sloves po číslovkách. Noun and Verb Agreement With Counted Expressions. | 6 | Podhorná |
14 | 18. 12. 2023 –22. 12. 2023 | L 9 – Budoucí čas. L 8 – Future Tense. Nedokonavá a dokonavá slovesa. Imperfective and Perfective Verbs. Slovesa pohybu. Verbs of Motion. | 4 | Podhorná |
15 | 2. 1. 2024 – 5. 1. 2024 | Opakování. Revision. Závěrečný test. Final Test. | 6 | Podhorná |
Completed by: | Credit |
Requirements: | Students are supposed to participate actively in seminars which implies their concentration, being sufficiently prepared, doing homework assigned by the teacher. Only in case they have fulfilled all the required duties, students are allowed to take the credit test. The minimum score to pass is 66%. Students who pass each of three short tests written during the semester with the minimum score of 87% are relieved of the duty to take the credit test. |
Literature: |
Czech II - Dentistry
Program of Study | : | Dentistry |
Course | : | Czech 2 |
Abbreviation | : | CJA/ZAA42 |
Schedule | : | 30 hours of seminars |
Course Distribution | : | 2nd Year, 3rd Semester |
Number of Credits | : | 0 |
Course Form | : | Seminars |
Teachers: | Mgr. Veronika Glogarová | |
Study: | Continuous, Wednesday 9:45-11:15, CJ3 (Department of Foreign Languages) |
Week | Subject | No. of Lessons | Teacher | |
1 | 18. 9. 2023 – 22. 9. 2023 | Opakování. Revision. | 2 | Glogarová |
2 | 25. 9. 2023 – 29. 9. 2023 | Lidské tělo II. Human Body II. | 2 | Glogarová |
3 | 2. 10. 2023 – 6. 10. 2023 | Instrumentál plurálu. Instrumental Plural. | 2 | Glogarová |
4 | 9. 10. 2023 – 13. 10. 2023 | Zubní kámen. Tartar. | 2 | Glogarová |
5 | 16. 10. 2023 – 20. 10. 2023 | Kaz. Caries. Plomba. Filling. | 2 | Glogarová |
6 | 23. 10. 2023 – 27. 10. 2023 | Trhání. Extraction. | 2 | Glogarová |
7 | 30. 10. 2023 – 3. 11. 2023 | Úrazy zubů. Dental Injuries. | 2 | Glogarová |
8 | 6. 11. 2023 – 10. 11. 2023 | Ortodoncie. Orthodontics. | 2 | Glogarová |
9 | 13. 11. 2023 – 16. 11. 2023 | Lokativ plurálu. Locative Plural. | 2 | Glogarová |
10 | 20. 11. 2023 – 24. 11. 2023 | Citlivé zuby. Sensitive Teeth. | 2 | Glogarová |
11 | 27. 11. 2023 – 1. 12. 2023 | Dativ plurálu. Dative Plural. | 2 | Glogarová |
12 | 4. 12. 2023 – 8. 12. 2023 | Endodoncie. Endodontics. | 2 | Glogarová |
13 | 11. 12. 2023 – 15. 12. 2023 | Dětská stomatologie. Paediatric Dentistry. | 2 | Glogarová |
14 | 18. 12. 2022 – 21. 12. 2023 | Opakování. Revision. | 2 | Glogarová |
15 | 2. 1. 2024 – 5. 1. 2024 | Závěrečný test. Final Test. | 2 | Glogarová |
Completed by: | Credit |
Requirements: | Students who want to meet the credit requirements must take a written test and have a minimum score of 66%. They are expected to participate actively in class, complete homework assignments, and perform successfully on practice tests. Students are also required to attend class regularly. |
Literature: |
Materials for Download/Print
General Medicine
Latin | Vocabulary | download / print in PDF |
Grammatical Exercises | download / print in PDF | |
Czech | Chorobopis - translated form | |
Use of Grammatical Cases | ||
Conditional / Conditional Clauses | download / print in PDF | |
Imperative | download / print in PDF | |
Gradation of Adjectives and Adverbs | download / print in PDF | |
Verbs of Motion | download / print in PDF | |
Dative, Locative, Instrumental Plural | download / print in PDF | |
Czech 1st Year | Pronunciation of Czech Sounds | download / print in PDF |
Greetings and Basic Social Phrases | download / print in PDF | |
Adjectives | download / print in PDF | |
Verbs | download / print in PDF | |
Time Expressions | download / print in PDF | |
Imperfective and Perfective Verbs | download / print in PDF | |
Imperfective Future Tense | download / print in PDF | |
Indefinite and Negative Pronouns and Adverbs | download / print in PDF | |
Prepositions | download / print in PDF | |
Food | download / print in PDF | |
Likes and Dislikes | download / print in PDF | |
Health and Illness | download / print in PDF | |
Case History | download / print in PDF | |
Mock Test 1 | download / print in PDF | |
Mock Test 2 | download / print in PDF | |
Czech 2nd Year | Vocabulary - Human Body | download / print in PDF |
Vocabulary - Physical Appearance | download / print in PDF | |
Vocabulary - Lifestyle | download / print in PDF | |
Vocabulary - Case History | download / print in PDF | |
Vocabulary - Pain | ||
Vocabulary - Symptoms and Diseases | download / print in PDF | |
Czech 3rd Year | History taking - questions | download / print in PDF |
Psychiatric History | download / print in PDF | |
Gynaecological History | download / print in PDF | |
Neurological Examination | download / print in PDF | |
Time expressions | download / print in PDF |
Czech | Use of Grammatical Cases | |
Gradation of Adjectives and Adverbs | ||
Imperative | download / print in PDF | |
Conditional / Conditional clauses | download / print in PDF | |
Verbs of Motion | download / print in PDF | |
Czech 1st Year | Vocabulary - Physical Appearance | download / print in PDF |
Vocabulary - Lifestyle | download / print in PDF | |
Vocabulary - Pain | ||
Vocabulary - Case History | download / print in PDF | |
Vocabulary - Basic Examination | ||
Vocabulary - Tooth Structure | download / print in PDF | |
Czech 2nd Year | Vocabulary - Human Body Dative, Locative, Instrumental pl. | download / print in PDF download / print in PDF |
Additional Online Materials
A Grammar of Czech as a Foreign Language | |
Internet Language Reference Book | |
Czech Language Portal | |
Learn Czech | |
Learn Czech - Basic Course | |
Forvo | how to pronounce Czech words |
My Czech Republic | practical info about life in the Czech Republic |
Czech News | latest news from the Czech Republic |
Nechci kazy | dental care information in Czech |