Master Degree Programmes
Academic Year Calendar
Timetable for the 2024-2025 Academic Year
Academic year: 1. 9. 2024 – 31. 8. 2025 | |||
Teaching in the winter semester
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Teaching in the summer semester:
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Other important dates
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National holidays (offices closed)
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Examination period for winter semester
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Examination period for summer semester
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Electronic registration
* Only students who will have their study duties (all the obligatory “A” status courses concluded with an examination) completed by July 16, 2024, 9 a.m. = all results must be entered in STAG! | |||
Checking of study
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Course evaluation schedule
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Note: Any teaching not carried out must be compensated for. The manner of such compensation is entirely in the competence of individual departments. |
Timetable for the 2025-2026 Academic Year
Academic year: 1. 9. 2025 – 31. 8. 2026 | |||
Teaching in the winter semester
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Teaching in the summer semester:
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Other important dates
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National holidays (offices closed)
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Examination period for winter semester
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Examination period for summer semester
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Electronic registration
* Only students who will have their study duties (all the obligatory “A” status courses concluded with an examination) completed by June 26, 2025, 9 a.m. = all results must be entered in STAG! *** Students who will NOT have their study duties fulfilled by July 15, 2025, 9 a.m. | |||
Checking of study
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Course evaluation schedule
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Note: Any teaching not carried out must be compensated for. The manner of such compensation is entirely in the competence of individual departments. |
Study Plan / Syllabus
In the 2024-2025 academic year
General Medicine
General Medicine - Version 2021 (In the 2024-2025 academic year the above mentioned study plan is valid for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students only.) | Syllabus |
General Medicine - Version 2019 (In the 2024-2025 academic year the above mentioned study plan is valid for the and 5th and 6th year students only.) |
Dentistry - Version 2019 (In the 2024-2025 academic year the above mentioned study plan is valid for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5thyear students only.) | Syllabus |
School Catalogue / "White Book"
The School Catalogue is a comprehensive guide to the organization and principles of studies at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacký University Olomouc in a particular academic year (information on courses, study plans, prerequisites, departments, state examinations, the Study and Examination Code, etc.). Formerly printed as a book with a white cover, the catalogue continues to be referred to as the “White Book”.
Checking of study / registration
Self-registration, checking of study records
Checking of study in the current academic year will be carried out in two stages:
Stage 1 is done electronically by the means of “self-registration” between 01. 09. 2024 and 15. 09. 2024. Students check their completed study obligations for the current academic year and a list of courses registered for the upcoming year.
Stage 2
- students who satisfy the requirements of self-registration will come to the Student Affairs Office to have completion of their study obligations confirmed in the credit book between 23. 09. 2024 and 24. 10. 2024
- students who do not satisfy the requirements of electronic self-registration must come to the Student Affairs Office ideally by 16. 09. 2024. If that is not possible, they must come within the first week of their classes.
Frequently asked questions
Who can perform electronic self-registration for the new academic year?
Electronic self-registration should be performed between 01. 09. 2024 and 15. 09. 2024. You can self-register if you satisfy the following criteria:
- all your study obligations for the 2023/2024 academic year are completed (all credits and examinations done within this academic year are entered in STAG, including summer clinical trainings)
- you are registered for the upcoming academic year 2024/2025 (see timetables and electronic registration/preregistration instructions)
Do I have to self-register?
Self-registration in STAG is compulsory for all students from the second year of studies onwards who will be continuing their studies in the upcoming academic year, except for students who are only left with final state examinations to be completed. Self-registration is not performed by a student, who already had his/her studies checked by the Student Affairs Office.
What is checked during self-registration?
STAG performs an automatic check of the number of credits acquired, completion of courses with repeated registration, not exceeding the maximum limit of 90 credits per year, etc. You will be asked to confirm the data in your “Registration form A – overview of examinations taken in academic year 2023/2024” (i.e. a summary of all exams completed in the current academic year) and “Registration form B – overview of registered courses in academic year 2024/2025” (i.e. a summary of all courses registered for the upcoming year)
How to self-register?
Go through Portal, tab STAG – My study – Course of study.
Click on Check results and register for academic year 2024/2025
Check your Registration form A for 2023/2024 to make sure that all your credits and exam results are entered in the system as they should be (contact the respective department in case of any discrepancies).
Check your Registration form B for 2024/2025 (See if you are registered for all obligatory courses for the upcoming academic year. Register any missing courses or contact the Student Affairs Office for assistance).
If all information is in order, tick the box and click on “Register for academic year”
If you have successfully managed to self-register, have your credit book confirmed by the Student Affairs office between 23. 09. 2024 and 24. 10. 2024.
I have not completed some final exams, but I have the credits.
If you have not completed a final exam from an obligatory subject, request the Student Affairs Office for a second registration of a subject. You will not be required to retake the classes. If you have not completed a final exam from an obligatory subject registered for the second time, it is advisable to apply for an exemption from the Study and Examination Code. If such exemption is approved, the Student Affairs Office will register the course for you. If the exemption is not approved, your studies will have to be terminated.
I have successfully managed the self-registration. Do I still have to go to the Student Affairs Office?
Once your self-registration is completed, you will still be required to have completion of your study obligations confirmed. Nevertheless, you can take your time with this. Come to the Student Affairs Office between 23. 09. 2024 and 24. 10. 2024 (within the office hours). Do not forget to bring the following:
- your credit book (all credits/exams completed during 2023/2024 must be signed for, all courses you are registered for in 2024/2025 must be filled in)
- Registration form A for 2023/2024
- Registration form B for 2024/2025
I have not managed to self-register.
If you are unable to self-register, your registration must be done in person at the Student Affairs Office, ideally by 16. 09. 2024 or within the first week of your classes at the latest. Do not forget to bring the following:
- your credit book (all courses you are registered for in 2024/2025 must be filled in)
- Registration form A for 2023/2024
- Registration form B for 2024/2025
What is the deadline for completing exams for 2023/2024?
All study obligations for the academic year 2023/2024 have to be completed by 06. 09. 2024. They must also be entered in STAG by 09. 09. 2024, 3 pm.
Credit book
How to fill in your credit book?
Download a credit book sample to see how your credit book should be filled in. Only courses that you are actually registered for should be written in the credit book. All courses not completed in the previous year and registered for the second time also need to be written in the credit book.
Checking your study records throughout the year
Results of all study obligations are recordeds in your credit book and electronically in STAG.
It is in your own interest to check that your credits and examination results are entered in STAG within the stipulated deadline, which is tree working days from completing a respective credit/exam (STAG - My study - Grades and course credits).
If you find any discrepancies, contact the respective department (the secretary or your teacher).
Additional registration
Additional registration of obligatory courses after the deadline for checking of study (such as in case of completing prerequsite courses during the given academic year, not before it starts) can only be done by the beginning of summer semester classes (12. 02. 2024).
Strictly no obligatory courses for 2024/2025 will be registered after that date.
Any additional registration must be confirmed (your credit book stamped) by the Student Affairs Office
Additional registration of elective or optional courses may be done anytime throughout the academic year.
Such additional registration does not have to be confirmed by the Student Affairs Office.
Electronic Registration / Pre-registration
Registration / pre-registration for the academic year 2024-2025
Instructions for registering courses from the 2nd year and above
Courses included in 2nd to 6th year – phase 1
- registration of study groups takes place from July 23, 2024, 10 a.m. to September 12, 2024, 12 a.m. (midnight)
- registration of individual (i.e. elective and optional) courses takes place from July 23, 2024 10.30 a.m. to September 12, 2024, 12 a.m. (midnight)
This phase of registration is stipulated for students, who will have all their obligatory “A” status courses, which are concluded with an examination, completed (and thereby also entered in the STAG system!) by July 16, 2024, 9.00 a.m.
Courses included in 2nd to 6th year – phase 2
- registration of study groups takes place from August 01, 2024, 9 a.m. to September 12, 2024, 12 a.m. (midnight)
- registration of individual (i.e. elective and optional) courses takes place from August 01, 2024 9.30 a.m. to September 12, 2024, 12 a.m. (midnight)
This phase of registration is stipulated for students, who did not fulfil criteria for phase 1 of registration.
Courses from all fields of study for the 2nd to 6th year
Students use electronic registration to register for teaching in academic year 2024-2025 for courses they wish to attend this year, and for which their training has not been recognized as completed from their previous study (all courses registered repeatedly, i.e. courses, where training has been recognized, must be reported to the Students’ Office staff, who will perform registration “without training” to enable a student to register for an examination in the given subject without blocking the space in practical training).
This year, electronic registration for training is carried out in two phases. Students with all their obligatory courses successfully concluded with an examination, and the results of these examinations entered in STAG by July 16, 2024, 9 a.m., will be included in phase 1. Students, who do not fulfil this condition, will be included in phase 2 of registration. Registrations will be concluded on September 12, 2024 at 12 a.m.
Courses from fields of study for the 1st year
Registrations for courses included in the 1st year (also pertains to optional courses for the 1st year) will be made accessible from September 4, 2024, 9 a.m. These registrations will also be concluded on September 12, 2024 at 12 a.m. (midnight).
Practical instructions for registration
General information
Students can register optional courses for the recommended and lower years of a study field from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry UP, if they fulfil conditions of the prerequisites (see the "White Book").
Timetables for individual years of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry are published on the faculty website (click here).
Students can register:
- from the internet through Study Agenda UP.
- from the INTRANET network (so called user access directly through STAG client - the name used will be personal number L01…, and password is either “XBIRTHNUMBER” with no slash or a password already previously amended by a student). Registration in this manner is possible from UP computers (e.g. computers in IT classrooms at Palacký University Computer Centre “Zbrojnice”, Biskupské nám. 1, ground floor, next to the UP Library). Students registering in this manner are not limited by the number of users, and they therefore do not have to worry about getting blocked due to overloaded network capacity.
During summer holidays, office hours at the Students’ Office of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry UP are Monday and Thursday 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Should you experience any issues pertaining to registration, feel free to contact us at at or We will do our best to resolve all matters as soon as possible.
Physical registration should be performed at the Students’ Office of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Palacký University depending on when your self-registraiton is completed.
Registration for the 2nd to 6th year of General Medicine and the 2nd to 5th years of Dentistry.
Students have a fixed timetable for obligatory courses within their specific study group (see timetables for individual years), which is why for obligatory courses they register into so called study-groups. Groups for the 2nd year General Medicine students are called 2GEME, 3rd year=3GEME, 4th year=4GEME and so on. If a student breaches this rule and registers for his/her timetable in a manner other than study-group registration, he/she exposes him/herself to the risk of having the entire timetable erased!!!
In order to register please go to Study Agenda UP (switch to the English version)
- select Log in
- User ID is your portal ID
- your birth certificate number (with no slash) is your password – you can change it if you wish
- select the link Preregistration
- if you are doing several studies at UP, in the IS/STAG table – Student information, select Stag login pertaining to the given study (e.g. L11022)
- in accordance with the instructions below, select type of preregistration, so called Study-group preregistration portlet (for all obligatory courses) or the portlet Preregistration (for the category of optional courses).
a) Study-group preregistration – for registration of obligatory courses
- select a study-group, using the link IS/STAG – Study-group preregistration
- timetable of a given study-group appears, if you agree with the timetable, you must register for the given study-group!!! (a computer monitor is usually too small to display the entire timetable, you should therefore use the right scroll bar to move up, in order to display the entire menu), by pressing the button Perform study-group registration, the registration is saved, alternatively errors in preregistration are displayed for individual courses (if any of the courses are not registered due to full capacity, select a different study-group or remain registered in the given study-group, but notify the Students’ Office (at or about courses not registered
- timetable can be cancelled by Withdrawal from study group
b) Preregistration for courses (by selecting individual courses) – only for the category of optional courses
Students register for optional courses after logging in to the UP portal, through the Course preregistration portlet. It is clear from the timetables for individual years that for certain study-groups, some optional courses are blocked (clash with obligatory courses). A student must take this fact into account when selecting his/her study group. Registration for obligatory courses is performed through the Preregistration link (by selecting individual courses).
- using the link IS/STAG – In Preregistration, choose field/teaching Qualification select a block of courses (e.g. Optional courses)
- a course timetable will display upon clicking on the course abbreviation (e.g. LBF/VA031)
- select a free timetable event (i.e. click on a box on the right)
- save using Save changes
- the same method is to be applied for each individual course
- check the timetable you registered for
Once study-group registration has been completed, a student is required to check, whether he/she is registered for all the required obligatory courses, and resolve any possible shortcomings. If a student registers a timetable, but does not fulfil the required prerequisites for registration of some courses (e.g. Credit from “Paediatrics clinical training” is not entered in STAG, he/she will therefore not be able to register the “Paediatrics” course), he/she must, following fulfilment of such prerequisites for a course registration (i.e. once a credit/an examination is entered in STAG by a respective secretary from a given department/clinic), perform a study-group deregistration and then a new repeated registration of a given study-group! (For information about stipulated prerequisites see the "White Book"). If the capacity of certain courses in the selected study-group is already full, i.e. some courses did not register for the student due to full capacity, he/she must select a different study-group!!!
Instructions for registering courses for the 1st year
1st year students do not perform registration themselves. They are required to come to the registration meeting announced by the Students’ Office, which is where the registration will be done for them.
This provision is available for 1st year students ONLY!
Instructions for registration of outgoing students within student mobility programmes
Students going for study placements abroad, registered with the Department of International Relations at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry UP (Erasmus+ programme, student mobility as part of development programmes, etc.) have the right to priority registration from June 27, 2024, 9 a.m. to September 12, 2024, 12 a.m. (midnight).
Instructions for electronic registration for the summer semester of academic year 2024-2025
Additional access to STAG database for additional registration for courses at the Faculty of Medicine, included in teaching during the summer semester of academic year 2024-2025 will be provided from December 11, 2024 (from 9 a.m.) to February 6, 2025 (till 12 a.m. midnight). During this period, students will be able to complete or amend their timetable for the summer semester. After February 6, 2025, the database will be closed again.
During this period, there will be no access to study-group preregistrations! Students can amend their timetable of obligatory courses outside the study-group, if capacity of timetable events allows them to do so. In that case they have to add this course to their credit book and have it signed by one of the registrars at the Students’ Office before the start of the summer semester at the latest.
Students registering a course without training (i.e. training from the given course has been recognized) do not register such course by the means of electronic preregistration (they would thus block the capacity of a given course for other students), instead, they should register it with the assistance of a respective Students’ Office staff. If such course is not registered, they will not be able to register for an examination from a given course.
Students can register:
A. Registration through web interface (suitable mainly for registration from computers outside the UP network)
For registration of courses, go to Study Agenda UP
- User ID is your portal ID
- Password is as set by you (corresponding to the syntax rules of portal password)
- Select the link Preregistration
- Under IS/STAG – Preregistration select field/teaching Qualification and select a block of courses (e.g. Optional courses)
- A course timetable will display upon clicking on the course abbreviation (e.g. PAT/VAA11)
- Select a free timetable event (i.e. click on a box on the right)
- Save using Save changes
- Repeat the entire process for each individual course
- Check your registered timetable for the summer semester
B. Registration through STAG client (only possible from UP computers)
If students would like to use computers of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry UP for their preregistration, they can do so at the Mores Study Centre at the Theoretical Institutes. Students can register through intranet (i.e. they do not register through the web, but through the so called “client” – displayed on the computer desktop under the STAG icon). Students registering in this manner are not limited by the number of users, and they therefore do not have to worry about getting blocked due to overloaded network capacity.
- A student logs into the UP network. His/her login name is the Portal ID and the password is a birth certificate number (without the slash). He/she can find his/her Stag login (e.g. L08022) at, link Contacts.
- A student logs into the STAG system using an icon on the computer desktop. The name used will be “Stag login” (L08…..) and password "XBIRTHNUMBER" with no slash (if a student has not already changed it in the past)
- A students registers from the top bar, using a link “Preregistration” and sublink “Registration by the field of study”
- Registration of courses is saved by clicking on the yellow floppy disk icon (top left) or using the F10 key
- Once registration is completed, it is advised to print out and check the timetable (i.e. a timetable for a student, not the study-group)!!!
Should you experience any issues with registration, contact us by email at or, we will do our best to resolve all matters as soon as possible.
State Rigorous Examinations
General Medicine
- Schedule of State Rigorous Examinations (6th Year of General Medicine)
- Schedule of State Rigorous Examinations (5th Year of General Medicine)
- Boards for State Rigorous Examinations
Final State Examinations' schedules
Final State Examinations' Schedules
- Oral Surgery
- Prosthodontics and Orthodontics
- Operative Dentistry
Schedules - General Medicine 2024-2025 | |||||
1st year (.xls) | 2nd year (.xls) | 3rd year (.xls) | 4th year (.xls) | 5th year (.xls) | 6th year (.xls) |
Schedules - Dentistry 2024-2025 | |||||
1st year (.xls) | 2nd year (.xls) | 3rd year (.xls) | 4th year (.xls) | 5th year (.xls) | |
Schedules - General Medicine 2023-2024 | |||||
1st year (.xls) | 2nd year (.xls) | 3rd year (.xls) | 4th year (.xls) | 5th year (.xls) | 6th year (.xls) |
Schedules - Dentistry 2023-2024 | |||||
1st year (.xls) | 2nd year (.xls) | 3rd year (.xls) | 4th year (.xls) | 5th year (.xls) |
Minimum Credits Required
General Medicine - version 2014, version 2017, version 2018, version 2019 (students from year 1 to 6)
Year | A | B | C | Total |
1. | 60 | 0 | 0 | 60 |
2. | 60 | 0 | 0 | 60 |
3. | 58 | 2 | 0 | 60 |
4. | 54 | 3 | 3 | 60 |
5. | 56 | 2 | 2 | 60 |
6. | 60 | 0 | 0 | 60 |
Total | 348 | 7 | 5 | 360 |
Dentistry (students from 1 to 5)
Year | A | B | C | Total |
1. | 60 | 0 | 0 | 60 |
2. | 60 | 0 | 0 | 60 |
3. | 60 | 0 | 0 | 60 |
4. | 59 | 1 | 0 | 60 |
5. | 60 | 0 | 0 | 60 |
Total | 299 | 1 | 0 | 300 |
- A – Obligatory subjects
- B – Elective subjects
- C – Optional subjects
Credits for the above stated categories of subjects (A, B and C) can be acquired in other than the recommended year of study. The stipulated total of credits is the minimum required for a student to be allowed to sit his/her last final state examination.
Introductory Course
Graduation Ceremony
Graduation ceremony for General Medicine and Dentistry programmes will take place at the Ceremonial Hall of the Military Hospital "Hradisko" (address: Sušilovo nám. 5, Olomouc).
Graduation Ceremony Information
After their last State Comprehensive (Rigorosum) Examination, students need to come in person to the Students' Office (regardless of the office hours) to register for the graduation ceremony. They need to bring:
- a) their study credit book (index)
- b) a written confirmation issued by the Medical Branch Library stating that all borrowed books have been returned
Students also need to undergo an exit medical assessment. More information is available from the Students' Office.
Students who complete their studies and will no longer have their meals in the University Hospital Olomouc canteen need to notify the canteen office (Ms Martina Hynštová, phone 588 444 343, e-mail and collect the balance.
Date of Graduation Ceremony 2024
Graduation ceremony for General Medicine and Dentistry programmes will take place on Friday, June 28, 2024 at the Ceremonial Hall of the Military Hospital "Hradisko", Sušilovo nám. 5, Olomouc.
The ceremony timings are
- Dentistry and General Medicine: 9.00
- General Medicine: 10.30 and 12.00
Graduates are required to come to the foyer of the Hradisko ceremonial hall one hour before their scheduled ceremony.
More details will be provided later.
Internship / Clinical Training
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry students may perform their internship (clinical training) in healthcare facilities (hospitals) in the Czech Republic. Before starting their internship, students must submit two copies of the contract (in Czech) below. After the contract is approved and signed by the Faculty, the healthcare facility will receive one copy.
- Smlouva o zajištění praxe - Všeobecné lékařství – sample agreement (General Medicine)
- Smlouva o zajištění praxe - Zubní lékařství – sample agreement (Dentistry)
Students who want to perform their internship (clinical training) in healthcare facilities (hospitals) abroad need to have an Agreement on the Provision of a Student Internship concluded with the respective facility (hospital).
- Download the Agreement and fill in all relevant details
- Submit three copies of the filled out Agreement to the Student's Office
- The office will get your Agreement approved and signed on behalf of the Faculty and give/send it back to you
- Have the Agreement signed by the hospital/facility, where your internship will be done
- Send one copy of the signed Agreement to the Faculty by 30th June of the given academic year or before your internship starts. Whichever occurs earlier.
If you carry out an internship without an Agreement in place, you will have no liability insurance for the duration of your training (in accordance with the insurance for damages caused by UP students during their internship; the liability insurance is only applicable for internships done within the EU) and you may not be given credit for such internship.
Further instructions
Once you complete your internship, make sure you get a certificate confirming the completion of such internship. You can either use our Certificate of Internship, or have the hospital issue their own certificate, provided that the same information as stated on the Certificate of Internship is included.
Students who want to perform their summer internship (clinical training) in the University Hospital Olomouc need to download the application form (Application for Student Internship), fill out their personal details, ask the respective hospital department (at which they want to perform their internship) for approval (in the form). The completed form must be submitted to Ms Markéta Žylová of the hospital’s personální oddělení (hospital building Wa). There, they will obtain three copies of a permission to perform their internship (training) in the University Hospital Olomouc (one for the hospital, one for the Faculty and one for the student).
This is to remind the students that if they start their internship (training) without the agreement signed by all parties, they will not be insured to cover damage caused by Palacký University students during their internship (training); moreover, the internship (training) may not be considered as completed and the course credit may not be granted.
Internship (clinical training) forms
- Form for Basic Procedures in Healthcare Clinical Practice (2nd year General Medicine)
- Form for Obligatory Practice in General Practitioner’s Office (3rd year General Medicine)
- Form for Surgery – Clinical Training (4th year General Medicine)
- Form for Gynaecology and Obstetrics - Clinical Training (5th year General Medicine)
- Form for Mandatory Training in Selected Medical Specialties: (6th year General Medicine) a log book must be filled out during the training and handed in during the final seminar.
Financial Contribution from the Faculty
If your internship (training) outside the Czech Republic lasts at least 30 days (without interruption), you may utilise a financial contribution from the faculty, amounting up to EUR 1,000. The contribution will be awarded based on your CGPA for the last academic year as follows:
- CGPA 1.0 - 1.50 - EUR 1,000
- CGPA 1.51 - 2.30 - EUR 500
- CGPA 2.31 and above - EUR 250
Only internships, which are required by the curriculum can be considered for the contribution (e.g. 19-days selected medical speciality and 2 weeks Ob-Gyn training or 3 weeks dentistry training aftern the 4th year with a need to extend it a bit to have 30 consecutive days).
The contribution will be paid out upon completion of your internship. The contribution can only be paid to those who still study or who completed studies in the academic year in which the payment is sent.
Please note that this amount will only be paid out once during the entire time of your studies.
Applications for the contribution must be submitted to the Study Department by 14th October 2024.
Applications have to include:
- cover letter (filled out and signed)
- hard copy/copies (in original, signed and stamped) of the contract/s (i.e. Agreement on the Provision of a Student Internship)
- hard copy/copies (in original, signed and stamped) of the cerfificate/s confirming the completion of the internship/s
Strictly only applications that satisfy the criteria above will be accepted.
If your application is submitted incomplete, i.e. if any documents are missing, they are not original copies or if they are not signed and stamped as required, it will not be considered and the financial contribution will not be paid out.
How to calculate your CGPA
Recently, some students were wondering what exactly is the procedure for calculating your CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average).
When calculating your CGPA, only credits and marks awarded in courses concluded with an examination (not just course credit) are included in this calculation.
Suppose your average from one give year is 2.00, it is calculated as follows:
Considering, that
A = 1
B = 1.5
C = 2
D = 2.5
E = 3
F = 4
and supposing that in a given year, the following marks have been acquired
Course 1 - mark A - supposing this particular course is awarded with 8 credits
Course 2 - mark C - 9 credits
Course 3 - mark A - 6 credits
Course 4 - mark A - 18 credits
Course 5 - mark F - 16 credits
i.e. total number of expected credits is 57 (all of the above just added up)
To get the CGPA, each mark is multiplied by the number of credits awarded for each given course, i.e.
Course 1: A (1) x 8 = 8
Course 2: C (2) x 9 = 18
Course 3: A (1) x 6 = 6
Course 4: A (1) x 18 = 18
Course 5: F (4) x 16 = 64
That summed up equals to 114, divided with expected no. of credits 57 equals to 2, which is the above mentioned CGPA.
Please note that even courses, which are concluded with an examination, you have registered for them, but have not attempted to take an examination in a given year, are for the purpose of CGPA considered as failed, i.e. mark F(4).
4th / 5th year classes completed abroad
The faculty is offering the option of completing semesters from your fourth and fifth year classes at a teaching hospital abroad under the following conditions
- You must complete a minimum of 10 weeks, but ideally the full semester
- Expect that you will only take classes in the hospital, but will be examined by Palacký University teachers
- The following courses cannot be taken abroad: Basic of Digital Medicine; Emeregency Medicine; Acute Conditions in Medicine.
Documents required prior to starting your internships:
- An email consent from all the course guarantors, that you can arrange the particular course at a foreign teaching hospital (if you are a group of students please chose a representative and address the guarantors on behalf of the group).
- An agreement signed between the hospital, the faculty and the student - one signed copy should be received by each party
- A training agreement listing all courses that are to be completed (syllabi will also be attached). See the sample agreement if you are not sure how to fill it out.
If you have specific requirements regarding the schedule of the upcoming academic year please communicate them to us before the end of March.
Documents required after completing your training:
- Traineeship completion certificate – will provide overall assessment of your performance during your training at the given hospital
- Internship record – a day by day record of your activities and procedures observed and carried out. The document is to be submitted per each individual subject you take. The signature of the tutor has to be on a day by day basis as well, not just one signature for the whole duration.
Provided that minimum 10 weeks are completed at the contractual teaching hospital within the given semester and all above mentioned paperwork was submitted as required, you can apply for a financial contribution towards your semester abroad. The contribution can be awarded twice during the course of your studies. The amount received will be calculated on the basis of your CGPA for all completed years so far as follows:
CGPA 1.00 – 1.60 – EUR 2,000
CGPA 1.61 – 2.50 – EUR 1,000
CGPA over 2.51 – no contribution
Your application has to include:
- Cover letter (filled out and signed)
- Agreement
- Training agreement
- Traineeship completion certificate
- Internship record
(all of the above as hard copies)
Your application will only be accepted AFTER your training is completed, not before.
Deadlines for submitting your application:
Winter semester 2023/2024 completed abroad – apply by February 28, 2024
Summer semester 2023/2024 completed abroad – apply by August 31, 2024
Name of Study Programme | General Medicine | General Medicine | Dentistry | Dentistry | Public Health |
Number of Study Programme | M0912A350017 | M0912A350016 | M0911A350005 | M0911A350010 | N0988A350001 |
Type | Master's | Master's | Master's | Master's | Continuing Master's |
Form | Full-time | Full-time | Full-time | Full-time | Full-time / Part-time |
Number of Fields of Study | 6 years | 6 years | 5 years | 5 years | 2 years |
Language of Instruction | English | Czech | Czech | English | Czech |
Accreditation to | 20.11.2034 | 20.11.2034 | 8.8.2028 | 8.8.2028 | 8.8.2028 |
Number of Accreditation | decree RVH UP no. 90/2024 | decree RVH UP no. 89/2024 | decree RVH UP no. 126/2019 | decree RVH UP no. 126/2019 | decree RVH UP no. 126/2019 |
Study programmes - for current students for completing their studies only
Name of Study Programme | General Medicine |
Number of Study Programme | M5103 |
Type | Master's |
Form | Full-time |
Number of Fields of Study | 6 years |
Language of Instruction | Czech / English |
Accreditation to | 1.5.2025 |
Number of Accreditation | MSMT-12907/2015 |
Student Affairs Office
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacký University Olomouc
Dean's Office
Hněvotínská 3
779 00 Olomouc
Office Hours:
MON and THU: 8.00-11.00 and 13.00-16.00
Section for the English Programme and International Relations
Mgr. Jana Osmani General Medicine +420 585 632 017 | ![]() |
Bc. Jitka Melcrová Dentistry, Doctoral Studies +420 585 632 012 | ![]() |
Ing. Petra Nakládalová International Relations, Section for Accreditations +420 585 632 015 | ![]() |