UP Chronicles: Autumn-y and Anatomy

Photo: WO Archives
Pátek 11. říjen 2024, 13:42 – Text: Kung-Te (Derek) Chu

Looking back on the first month of my third year of medical school, I’m amazed at how much has changed so quickly and how diverse the experiences have been. This time has been filled with opportunities for personal development, new responsibilities, and substantial academic demands. Let me share a few of this month’s major moments.

One of the Core Studies in Medicine: Pathology

This month’s academic endeavors have revolved around the pathology course, which provides a fascinating look into how diseases affect the human body. Having the chance to observe these changes up close has been both humbling and enlightening. In the pathology lab, our days are spent analyzing tissue samples, peering through microscopes, and identifying cellular anomalies. Every slide represents not just a specimen but a patient’s narrative. We’ve also had the opportunity to witness autopsies, allowing us to observe organ alterations first-hand. These experiences have deepened my understanding of pathology as a cornerstone of medical studies.

Joining the Internal Medicine Academic Society

This month, I also made the exciting decision to become a member of the student-run Internal Medicine Academic Society. This society offers a fantastic opportunity to enhance our clinical skills and expand our knowledge of various illnesses. I’m thrilled about attending internal medicine-focused workshops and courses, which bridge the gap between theory and practice and prepare us for future clinical work.

Work as a Student Ambassador

In addition to my studies, I’ve taken on the role of Student Ambassador. This role involves sharing experiences and posting content that highlights student life at Olomouc. Balancing public engagement with academic responsibilities has been a rewarding challenge. Crafting posts that accurately reflect the medical student experience while remaining both informative and engaging has honed my communication skills and allowed me to connect with a broader audience.

One of my first assignments this month was participating in the International Orientation Day course. As a senior, I had the privilege of welcoming freshmen to our school and helping them navigate daily life in Olomouc. This was a fulfilling and insightful experience, as it made me reflect on my own journey and appreciate my growth over the past years.

My enthusiasm for medicine and my involvement in the Student Ambassador program have only grown stronger during this first month of my third year. This experience has shown me that while pursuing a medical degree at Palacky University is demanding, it is also immensely rewarding. Cheers to all the adventures ahead, both here and beyond!

The Ambassador Program of the Welcome Office is an initiative that enables international students at Palacký University Olomouc to engage across all faculties, offering peer support in academic matters, university integration, and cultural exchange. Ambassadors assist fellow students in navigating their studies, adapting to university and city life, and fostering a vibrant multicultural environment. They actively participate in cultural days and events, share best practices, collaborate on projects, and share their academic and personal experiences. Ambassadors also organize social events and facilitate effective communication between students, faculties, and the rectorate of Palacký University. If you are interested in seizing the opportunity to become our next ambassador, you can register here.



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