Practical Information
Health & Safety
In case of medical emergencies, call
- 155 (life emergency)
- 112 (SOS Emergency call)
MUDr. Viktorija Ragenaité Mrnka
FNOL, building F
phone 588 444 813
Ideally set up an appointment first.
office hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10 to 12.30 for patients with an appointment
Wednesday 10 to 12.30, 13 to 18 for patients with an appointment
Monday to Friday 7.30 to 10 for accute cases without an appointment
Institute of Dentistry and Oral Sciences, Palackého 12
Accute conditions: any working day between 7 and 9 am
For more details see the information booklet.
MUDr. Dita Vitovjaková
SPEA, Náměstí Národních hrdinů 2, 2nd floor, door no.201
phone 585 505 212
G-Centrum, Horní náměstí 285
phone 585 234 444
office hours:
Monday to Thursday 8 to 20
Friday 8 to 14
FNOL, Department of Ophthalmology (Oční klinika), building E
office hours:
without an appointment 7 to 15 (outpatient room "ambulance")
24/7 in case of an emergency
phone 588 444 227
FNOL, Department of Otorhinolaryngology (Klinika otorinolaryngologie - "ORL"), building E2
office hours:
without an appointment 7 to 15 (outpatient room "ambulance")
phone 588 444 172
FNOL, Department of Occupational Medicine (Klinika pracovního lékařství), buildíng P, first floor
phone 588 441 111
Support Centre for Students with Special Needs
Students who need assistance because of a physical disability can contact the Support Centre for Students with Special Needs. The centre is located the Faculty of Education main building. Assistance and counselling is available on personal request. If need be, the counselling can take place outside the Centre’s premises.
Support Centre for Students with Special Needs
Žižkovo náměstí 5
779 00 Olomouc
tel.: (+420) 585 635 323
mobile: (+420) 775 124 696, 739 245 678
Payments and Identification Cards
Fees for Studies in a Foreign Language
Appendix No. 10 to the Constitution of Palacký University Olomouc (in Czech)
In accordance with section 58 paragraph 4 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions the study fee for programmes carried out in a foreign language at Palacký University in Olomouc is determined as follows:
Name of study proramme | Type of study programme | Study fee per academic year (EUR) |
General Medicine | Master's | 12500 |
Dentistry | Master's | 14000 |
"All" | Doctoral | 100 |
The annual fee for study in the programme carried out in a foreign language should be transferred directly into the account of the Faculty.
The fee covers the cost of studies (including tuition, lectures, practical classes, attendance in clinical practice, consultations and examinations) only. It does not cover accommodation, subsistence, the purchase of textbooks or any other matter, nor the costs of any studies in countries outside the Czech Republic.
Payment for the first academic year of studies must be made before the day of the Student's registration for that academic year, and for the second and subsequent years of study, no later than one month after the start of that academic year.
By prior arrangement, payment of fees may be accepted in two instalments. The first instalment will be due no later than one month after the start of that academic year, and is equal to half the full annual fee. The second instalment will due before the start of the summer semester, and is equal to half the full annual fee plus a supplement of €200.
More details concerning the payment of the annual fees can be found in the Financial Memorandum which is an integral part of the Contract between the Student and the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacký University Olomouc.
Course Evaluation
From the academic year 2018/2019 the evaluation of individual courses (i.e. course evaluation) is done electronically through Portal/STAG. (The results of the evaluation are available after login.)
Schedule of evaluation for the winter semester of the academic year 2024/2025
- electronic course evaluation for students (i.e. filling out the questionnaires): from September 30, 2024 to February 10, 2025
- time for the lecturers to comment on students' remarks: from February 11, 2025 to March 17, 2025
- publishing the reports by the Heads of the departments: from March 18, 2025 to April 15, 2025
Schedule of evaluation for the summer semester of the academic year 2024/2025
- electronic course evaluation for students (i.e. filling out the questionnaires): from February 24, 2025 to September 06, 2025
- time for the lecturers to comment on students' remarks: from September 07, 2025 to October 09, 2025
- publishing the reports by the Heads of the departments: from October 10, 2025 to November 07, 2025
Instructions on how to take part in the electronic evaluation
Information About the Waste Collection Fee
Information for foreign students
It is based on the Decree no. 12/202 on the local fee for the system of collection, transport, sorting, utilisation and disposal of municipal waste in Olomouc (text of the decree only available in Czech language) that the fee payers are required to announce their obligation or end of obligation to pay the fee within 15 days of such obligation or end of obligation occurring.
If you have any concerns, feel free to contact the Municipality of Olomouc, Department of Municipal Fees (Palackého 14, Olomouc, NAMIRO building, third floor), tel. 588 488 617-621, 588 488 611-612. The department are requesting you to bring a Czech speaker with you to ease communication, if your Czech is not fluent enough.
Information for New Students
You are required to announce your obligation to pay the fee by sending a filled out Announcement of Municipal Fee form to the Olomouc Municipality (it can be sent signed and scanned via email to and at the same time cover the fee within a deadline stipulated by the decree, which is 31.05. of the given year. If an obligation to pay the fee occurred within the course of the year, a proportionate amount needs to be paid (CZK 67/month, e.g. if a student arrives in Olomouc in September, CZK 268 needs to be covered for 2024). In 2025 the annual fee is CZK 864 per person and should be paid to the account no. 19-1801731369/0800, payment identifier 1337, for specific symbol your birth number/code should be stated. If you are making your payment from an account outside the Czech Republic, the bank details are as follows: IBAN=CZ1908000000191801731369, BIC= GIBACZPX. State your birth number/code in the payment reference. Without the reference your payment cannot be identified. The Municipality of Olomouc should be notified about any such payments made from abroad via email to State “Pro oddeleni mistnich poplatku” (for the Department of Municipal Fees) in the subject of your email. The payment can also be made at the Municipality of Olomouc cash desk (Palackého 14, Olomouc) on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8.00 to 12.00 and 13.00 to 17.00, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8.00 to 12.00 and 13.00 to 15.30.
Information for Students in Higher Years of Study
You are required to pay the fee by 31.05. of the given year. In 2025 the annual fee is CZK 864 per person and should be paid to the account no. 19-1801731369/0800, payment identifier 1337, for specific symbol your birth number/code should be stated. If you are making your payment from an account outside the Czech Republic, the bank details are as follows: IBAN=CZ1908000000191801731369, BIC= GIBACZPX. State your birth number/code in the payment reference. Without the reference your payment cannot be identified. The Municipality of Olomouc should be notified about any such payments made from abroad via email to State “Pro oddeleni mistnich poplatku” (for the Department of Municipal Fees) in the subject of your email. The payment can also be made at the Municipality of Olomouc cash desk (Palackého 14, Olomouc) on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8.00 to 12.00 and 13.00 to 17.00, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8.00 to 12.00 and 13.00 to 15.30.
Information for Students Who Have Completed or Terminated Their Studies
You are required to announce the termination of your obligation to pay the fee to the Municipality of Olomouc within 15 days by sending a filled out Announcement of Municipal Fee form to the Municipality of Olomouc (it can be sent signed and scanned via email to and at the same time cover the fee. If your obligation to pay ended within the course of the year, a proportionate amount needs to be paid (CZK 72/month, If you leave before the end of the month, you are not required to pay for that given month). It should be paid to the account no. 19-1801731369/0800, payment identifier 1337, for specific symbol your birth number/code should be stated. If you are making your payment from an account outside the Czech Republic, the bank details are as follows: IBAN=CZ1908000000191801731369, BIC= GIBACZPX. State your birth number/code in the payment reference. Without the reference your payment cannot be identified. The Municipality of Olomouc should be notified about any such payments made from abroad via email to State “Pro oddeleni mistnich poplatku” (for the Department of Municipal Fees) in the subject of your email. The payment can also be made at the Municipality of Olomouc cash desk (Palackého 14, Olomouc) on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8.00 to 12.00 and 13.00 to 17.00, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8.00 to 12.00 and 13.00 to 15.30.
Please note: If you are a citizen of a country outside the EU, you should also announce the end of your stay at the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy, otherwise your obligation for payment of the fees cannot be terminated.
Psychological counselling
FNOL, Department of Psychiatry (Klinika Psychiatrie), building U
phone 588 443 512, 588 444 623
FNOL, Department of Psychiatry (Klinika Psychiatrie), building U
Consultation hours are every other Thursday, by appointment only.
Please contact Dr Jana Žlebková at
PhDr. Denisa Pastuszaková, Ph.D.
Wellnerova 3b
phone 774 818 154
by appointment only, the service is chargeable
Kateřinská 17
Mgr. Petra Hrušková
phone 739 489 441
by appointment only, the service is chargeable
Welcome Office UP
Welcome Office is your all-in-one support centre for students, postgraduates, and guests. It is here to guide you every step of the way and make your stay enjoyable. Visit the Welcome Office webpage to find out more.