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Notification of the possibility to collect a written document in accordance with Section 25 of Act. No. 500/2004 Coll., Code of Administrative Procedure, as amended.

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Academic Year Calendar

Timetable for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Academic year: 1. 9. 2024 – 31. 8. 2025

Teaching in the winter semester

  • 1st to 3rd year of General Medicine: 16. 9. 2024 – 3. 1. 2025
  • 4th and 5th year of General Medicine: 16. 9. 2024 – 7. 2. 2025
  • 6th year of General Medicine: 9. 9. 2024 – 7. 2. 2025
  • 1st to 3rd year of Dentistry: 16. 9. 2024 – 3. 1. 2025
  • 4th to 5th year of Dentistry: 9. 9. 2024 – 20. 12. 2024

Teaching in the summer semester:

  • 1st to 3rd year of General Medicine: 10. 2. 2025 – 23. 5. 2025
  • 4th and 5th year of General Medicine: 10. 2. 2025 – 30. 5. 2025
  • 6th year of General Medicine: 10. 2. 2025 – 30. 5. 2025
  • 1st to 3rd year of Dentistry: 10. 2. 2025 – 23. 5. 2025
  • 4th year of Dentistry: 10. 2. 2025 – 30. 5. 2025
  • 5th year of Dentistry: 3. 2. 2025 – 11. 4. 2025

Other important dates

  • Student Scientific Conference: 29. 4. 2025
  • Sports Day:  14. 5. 2025  (see note) 
  • Matriculation ceremony: 18. 9. 2025
  • Open Day: 29. 11. 2024, 25. 1. 2025


  • Christmas holidays: 23. 12. 2024 – 31. 12. 2024
  • Summer holidays: 1. 7. 2025 – 31. 8. 2025

National holidays (offices closed)

  • September 28 (Saturday in 2024) – observed in honour of St. Wenceslas
  • October 28 (Monday Friday in 2024) – Proclamation of the Czechoslovak Republic
  • November 17 (Sunday in 2024) – Fighting for Freedom and Democracy Day
  • December 24, 25 and 26 (from Tuesday to Thursday in 2024) – Christmas
  • January 1 (Wednesday) – New Year‘s Day
  • April 18 – Good Friday in 2025
  • April 21 – Easter Monday in 2025
  • May 1 (Thursday in 2025) – Labour Day
  • May 8 (Thursday in 2025) – Liberation Day
  • July 5 (Saturday in 2025) – observed in honour of the Slavonic Apostles Cyril and Methodius
  • July 6 (Sunday in 2025) – observed in honour of Jan Hus, the Czech religious reformer 

Examination period for winter semester

  • for 1st to 3rd year of General Medicine: 6. 1. 2025 – 7. 2. 2025
  • for 4th to 6th year of General Medicine: throughout the academic year
  • for 1st to 3rd year of Dentistry(winter semester): 6. 1. 2025 – 7. 2. 2025
  • for 4th year of Dentistry: 2. 1. 2025 – 7. 2. 2025
  • for 5th year of Dentistry: 2. 1. 2025 – 31. 1. 2025

Examination period for summer semester

  • for 1st to 3rd year of General Medicine: 26. 5. 2025 – 30. 6. 2025
  • for 4th to 6th year of General Medicine: throughout the academic year
  • for 1st to 3rd year of Dentistry: 26. 5. 2025 – 30. 6. 2025
  • for 4th year of Dentistry: 2. 6. 2025 – 30. 6. 2025
  • for 5th year of Dentistry: 14. 4. 2025 – 30. 6. 2025

Electronic registration

  • Electronic registration for students from the 2nd to 6th year 
    - Phase 1 - group registration*: 16. 7. 2024 from 10 am to 12. 9. 2024, 12 am (midnight)
    - Phase 1 - registration of individual courses*: 16. 7. 2024 from 10.30 am to 12. 9. 2024, 12 am (midnight)
    - Phase 2 - group registration**: 1. 8. 2024 from 9 am to 15. 9. 2024, 12 am (midnight)
    - Phase 2 - registration of individual courses**: 1. 8. 2024 from 9.30 to 15. 9. 2024, 12 am (midnight)
  • Electronic registration for 1st year students
    - registration of individual courses: 4. 9. 2024 from 11 am to 12. 9. 2024, 12 am (midnight)
  • Electronic registration for outgoing students within mobility programmes:
    27. 6. 2024 from 9 am to 12. 9. 2024, 12 am (midnight)
  • Additional registration of summer semester courses
    - 11. 12. 2024 from 9 am to 6. 2. 2025, 12 am (midnight)

* Only students who will have their study duties (all the obligatory “A” status courses concluded with an examination) completed by July 16, 2024, 9 a.m. = all results must be entered in STAG!
** Students who will NOT have their study duties fulfilled by July 16, 2024.

Checking of study

  • Deadline for completing study obligations for academic year 2023/2024: 6. 9. 2024
  • Deadline for completing study obligations for academic year 2024/2025: 5. 9. 2025
  • Self-registration (students electronically check having completed their study obligations): 1. 9. 2024 – 15. 9. 2024 
  • Checking of study at the Student Department if you HAVE NOT MANAGED to self-register: 1. 9. 2024 – 16. 9. 2024 (bring your credit book and registration sheet A (for 2023/2024) and B (for 2024/2025)
  • Checking of study at the Student Department, if you HAVE MANAGED to self-register: 26. 9. 2024 – 24. 10. 2024 (bring your credit book and registration sheet A (for 2023/2024) and B (for 2024/2025)

Course evaluation schedule

  • evaluation of winter semester courses: 30. 9. 2024 – 10. 2. 2025
  • course guarantor's statement on evaluation of WS courses: 18. 3. 2025 – 15. 4. 2025
  • evaluation of summer semester courses: 24. 2. 2025 – 6. 9. 2025
  • course guarantor's statement on evaluation of SS courses: 10. 10. 2025 – 7.11.2025
Note: Any teaching not carried out must be compensated for. The manner of such compensation is entirely in the competence of individual departments.

Timetable for the 2025-2026 Academic Year

Academic year: 1. 9. 2025 – 31. 8. 2026

Teaching in the winter semester

  • 1st to 3rd year of General Medicine: 15. 9. 2025 – 11. 1. 2026
  • 4th and 5th year of General Medicine: 15. 9. 2025 – 15. 2. 2026
  • 6th year of General Medicine: 8. 9. 2025 – 15. 2. 2026
  • 1st to 3rd year of Dentistry: 15. 9. 2025 – 11. 1. 2026
  • 4th to 5th year of Dentistry: 8. 9. 2025 – 15. 2. 2026

Teaching in the summer semester:

  • 1st to 3rd year of General Medicine:  16. 2. 2026 – 31. 5. 2026
  • 4th and 5th year of General Medicine: 16. 2. 2026 – 7.6. 2026
  • 6th year of General Medicine: 16. 2. 2026 – 7. 6. 2026
  • 1st to 3rd year of Dentistry: 16. 2. 2026 – 31. 5. 2026
  • 4th year of Dentistry: 9. 2. 2026 – 31. 5. 2026
  • 5th year of Dentistry: 2. 2. 2026 – 12. 4. 2026

Other important dates

  • Student Scientific Conference: 28. 4. 2026
  • Sports Day:  13. 5. 2026  (see note) 
  • Matriculation ceremony: 17. 9. 2025
  • Open Day: 28. 11. 2025, 24. 1. 2026
  • Day off allocated by the Rector: 23. 12. 2025, 30. 12. - 31. 12. 2025
  • Day off allocated by the Dean: 22. 12. 2025, 29. 12. 2025

National holidays (offices closed)

  • September 28 (Sunday in 2025) – observed in honour of St. Wenceslas
  • October 28 (Tuesday in 2025) – Proclamation of the Czechoslovak Republic
  • November 17 (Monday in 2025) – Fighting for Freedom and Democracy Day
  • December 24, 25 and 26 (from Wednesday to Friday in 2025) – Christmas
  • January 1 (Thursday) – New Year‘s Day
  • April 3 – Good Friday in 2026
  • April 6 – Easter Monday in 2026
  • May 1 (Friday in 2026) – Labour Day
  • May 8 (Monday in 2026) – Liberation Day
  • July 5 (Sunday in 2026) – observed in honour of the Slavonic Apostles Cyril and Methodius
  • July 6 (Monday in 2026) – observed in honour of Jan Hus, the Czech religious reformer


  • Christmas holidays: 22. 12. 2025 – 2. 1. 2026
  • Summer holidays: 1. 7. 2026 – 31. 8. 2026

Examination period for winter semester

  • for 1st to 3rd year of General Medicine: 12. 1. 2026 – 15. 2. 2026
  • for 4th to 6th year of General Medicine: throughout the academic year
  • for 1st to 3rd year of Dentistry: 12. 1. 2026 – 15. 2. 2026
  • for 4th year of Dentistry: 2. 1. 2026 – 8. 2. 2026
  • for 5th year of Dentistry: 2. 1. 2026 – 1.2. 2026

Examination period for summer semester

  • for 1st to 3rd year of General Medicine: 1. 6. 2026 – 30. 6. 2026
  • for 4th to 6th year of General Medicine: throughout the academic year
  • for 1st to 3rd year of Dentistry: 1. 6. 2026 – 30. 6. 2026
  • for 4th year of Dentistry: 1. 6. 2026 – 30. 6. 2026
  • for 5th year of Dentistry: 13. 4. 2026 – 30. 6. 2026

Electronic registration

  • Electronic registration for students from the 2nd to 6th year 
    - Phase 1 – group registration*: 26. 6. 2025 from 10 am to 11. 9. 2025, 12 am (midnight)
    - Phase 1 – registration of individual courses*: 26. 6. 2025 from 10:30 am to 11. 9. 2025, 12 am (midnight)
  • - Phase 2 – group registration**: 15. 7. 2025 from 10 am to 11. 9. 2025, 12 am (midnight)
  • - Phase 2 – registration of individual courses**: 15. 7. 2025 from 10:30 to 11. 9. 2025, 12 am (midnight)
  • - Phase 3 – group registration***: 31. 7. 2025 from 9 am to 11. 9. 2025, 12 am (midnight)
  • - Phase 3 – registration of individual courses***: 31. 7. 2025 from 9:30 to 11. 9. 2025, 12 am (midnight)
  • Electronic registration for 1st year students
    - group registration: 3. 9. 2025 from 11 am to 11. 9. 2025, 12 am (midnight)
    registration of individual courses: 3. 9. 2025 from 11 am to 11. 9. 2025, 12 am (midnight)
  • Electronic registration for outgoing students within mobility programmes:
    - 24. 6. 2025 from 9 am to 11. 9. 2025, 12 am (midnight)
  • Additional registration of summer semester courses
    - 10. 12. 2025 from 9 am to 12. 2. 2026, 12 am (midnight)

* Only students who will have their study duties (all the obligatory “A” status courses concluded with an examination) completed by June 26, 2025, 9 a.m. = all results must be entered in STAG!
** Only students who will have their study duties (all the obligatory “A” status courses concluded with an examination) completed by July 15, 2025, 9 a.m. = all results must be entered in STAG!

*** Students who will NOT have their study duties fulfilled by July 15, 2025, 9 a.m.

Checking of study

  • Deadline for completing study obligations for academic year 2024/2025: 5. 9. 2025
  • Deadline for completing study obligations for academic year 2025/2026: 4. 9. 2026
  • Self-registration (students electronically check having completed their study obligations): 1. 9. 2025 – 15. 9. 2025 
  • Checking of study at the Student Department if you HAVE NOT MANAGED to self-register: 1. 9. 2025 – 15. 9. 2025 (bring your credit book and registration sheet A (for 2024/2025) and B (for 2025/2026)
  • Checking of study at the Student Department, if you HAVE MANAGED to self-register: 1. 9. 2025 – 24. 10. 2025 (bring your credit book and registration sheet A (for 2024/2025) and B (for 2025/2026)

Course evaluation schedule

  • evaluation of winter semester courses: 29. 9. 2025 – 15. 2. 2026
  • course guarantor's statement on evaluation of WS courses: 17. 3. 2026 – 14. 4. 2026
  • evaluation of summer semester courses: 23. 2. 2026 – 5. 9. 2026
  • course guarantor's statement on evaluation of SS courses: 8. 10. 2026 – 5.11.2026
Note: Any teaching not carried out must be compensated for. The manner of such compensation is entirely in the competence of individual departments.

Admissions - Master Degree Programmes

The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacký University Olomouc, will offer the following master degree study programmes in English (General Medicine and Dentistry) in the academic year 2024-2025:

Programme Code Study Programme Form Title Years Estimated Nr. of Admissions
M5103 General Medicine full-time MUDr. 6 65
M0911A350010 Dentistry full-time MDDr. 5 20

Prospective students of the master degree programmes of General Medicine or Dentistry must meet the following requirements:

  • Submit a certificate of a high/secondary school or college graduation. A copy of the  certificate may be submitted during the application procedure.
  • Succesful written entrance examination taken in Chemistry, Biology, and Physics or Mathematics. The level of the examination corresponds to that of the British A-levels.
  • Non-native English speakers are required to submit a proof of at least B2 level English language skills (Cambridge Exams minimum FCE certificate, IELTS result minimum 6, TOEFL result minimum 87, PTE academic minimum 59, PET Psychometric Entrace Test).
  • If an applicant does not have any of the above mentioned certificates,  he/she can take our own English language test on the day of the entrance examination.
  • Successful interview with the Board of Admissions to evaluate the applicant’s motivation and other factors of relevance to his or her academic background. This interview will take place after the written examination.
  • Following admission, the applicant from a non-EU country must apply for a long-term visa in his/her country of residence. Please consult the nearest representative office of the Czech Republic.
  • Before registration, the student has to sign a contract with the Faculty. This contract also includes an agreement about the net tuition fee of EUR 12,500 (EUR 14,000 for Dentistry) per year, and other rights and duties of the student, including his/her medical examinations and vaccinations.
  • Applicants will learn the result of the entrance procedure within one week from the date of the interview.

Please submit your application at the latest two weeks prior to the examination date you wish to appear for.

We will be accepting applications for September 2024 entry from November 01, 2023 on.

Admissions - Doctoral Study Programmes

The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacký University Olomouc, will offer the following post-graduate study programmes in English in the academic year 2023-2024:


The study prepares experts for creative research work. They should be able to solve research tasks independently, gather original scientific information, and to develop a scientific way of thinking. Postgraduate students follow an individual study plan under the direct supervision by a tutor. The standard duration of study is four years. A fee is levied for expenses incurred if the teaching is conducted in English. Studies are completed with a state doctoral examination and the defense of a dissertation, illustrating student's ability and readiness to work independently in the field of research. Graduates are then awarded the degree Ph.D. Prospective candidates are admitted to the program based on an entrance examination. 


Prospective candidates must be graduates of the master’s degree study programme. Students in the final year of their master‘s studies state the estimated graduation date and submit a confirmation of enrolment. A certified copy of the university diploma must be submitted on the day of the registration into studies at the latest.
Graduates from foreign universities must submit a certified copy of the diploma which must be accompanied by the certificate of verification (apostille or superlegalization).

As part of the application to the doctoral study programme, the candidate chooses the topic of the dissertation only from the announced topics. Choosing the listed topic of the dissertation is a condition for registering the application. Within each selected doctoral study programme, only one application can be submitted in a given academic year.

Electronic applications can be submitted: from 15 January 2025 until 15 May 2025
Application fee: CZK 790/application
Date of entrance examination: June 2025
Annual tuition fee: EUR 100

Application form

A mandatory attachment to the electronic application:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • a certified copy of the university diploma (or a confirmation of being enrolled in the final year of a master's degree study programme)

An optional attachment to the electronic application:

  • a list of publications
  • a list of conference papers

Bank details for payments in EUR:
Bank name: Komerční banka Olomouc
Bank address: Tř. Svobody 14, 772 00 Olomouc, Czech Republic
Account no. (IBAN): CZ9801000000433855090287
Account name: Palacký University
Payment reference: state your name and "PhD application fee"

Link for assistance:
Ms Jitka Melcrová
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Palacký University
Hněvotínská 3
775 15 Olomouc
Czech Republic
tel.: +420-58 563 2012

Electronic Registration / Pre-registration

Instructions for registering courses from the 2nd year and above

Courses included in 2nd to 6th year – phase 1

  • registration of study groups takes place from July 23, 2024, 10 a.m. to September 12, 2024, 12 a.m. (midnight)
  • registration of individual (i.e. elective and optional) courses takes place from July 23, 2024 10.30 a.m. to September 12, 2024, 12 a.m. (midnight)

This phase of registration is stipulated for students, who will have all their obligatory “A” status courses, which are concluded with an examination, completed (and thereby also entered in the STAG system!) by July 16, 2024, 9.00 a.m.

Courses included in  2nd to 6th year – phase 2

  • registration of study groups takes place from August 01, 2024, 9 a.m. to September 12, 2024, 12 a.m. (midnight)
  • registration of individual (i.e. elective and optional) courses takes place from August 01, 2024 9.30 a.m. to September 12, 2024, 12 a.m. (midnight)

This phase of registration is stipulated for students, who did not fulfil criteria for phase 1 of registration.

Courses from all fields of study for the 2nd to 6th year

Students use electronic registration to register for teaching in academic year 2024-2025 for courses they wish to attend this year, and for which their training has not been recognized as completed from their previous study (all courses registered repeatedly, i.e. courses, where training has been recognized, must be reported to the Students’ Office staff, who will perform registration “without training” to enable a student to register for an examination in the given subject without blocking the space in practical training).

This year, electronic registration for training is carried out in two phases. Students with all their obligatory courses successfully concluded with an examination, and the results of these examinations entered in STAG by July 16, 2024, 9 a.m., will be included in phase 1. Students, who do not fulfil this condition, will be included in phase 2 of registration. Registrations will be concluded on September 12, 2024 at 12 a.m. 

Courses from fields of study for the 1st year
Registrations for courses included in the 1st year (also pertains to optional courses for the 1st year) will be made accessible from September 4, 2024, 9 a.m. These registrations will also be concluded on September 12, 2024 at 12 a.m. (midnight). 

Practical instructions for registration

General information
Students can register optional courses for the recommended and lower years of a study field from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry UP, if they fulfil conditions of the prerequisites (see the "White Book").

Timetables for individual years of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry are published on the faculty website (click here).

Students can register:

  1. from the internet through Study Agenda UP.
  2. from the INTRANET network (so called user access directly through STAG client - the name used will be personal number L01…, and password is either “XBIRTHNUMBER” with no slash or a password already previously amended by a student). Registration in this manner is possible from UP computers (e.g. computers in IT classrooms at Palacký University Computer Centre “Zbrojnice”, Biskupské nám. 1, ground floor, next to the UP Library). Students registering in this manner are not limited by the number of users, and they therefore do not have to worry about getting blocked due to overloaded network capacity.   

During summer holidays, office hours at the Students’ Office of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry UP are Monday and Thursday 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Should you experience any issues pertaining to registration, feel free to contact us at at or We will do our best to resolve all matters as soon as possible.

Physical registration should be performed at the Students’ Office of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Palacký University depending on when your self-registraiton is completed.
Registration for the 2nd to 6th year of General Medicine and the 2nd to 5th years of Dentistry.

Students have a fixed timetable for obligatory courses within their specific study group (see timetables for individual years), which is why for obligatory courses they register into so called study-groups. Groups for the 2nd year General Medicine students are called 2GEME, 3rd year=3GEME, 4th year=4GEME and so on. If a student breaches this rule and registers for his/her timetable in a manner other than study-group registration, he/she exposes him/herself to the risk of having the entire timetable erased!!!

In order to register please go to Study Agenda UP (switch to the English version)

  • select Log in
  • User ID is your portal ID
  • your birth certificate number (with no slash) is your  password – you can change it if you wish
  • select the link Preregistration
  • if you are doing several studies at UP, in the IS/STAG table – Student information, select Stag login pertaining to the given study (e.g. L11022)
  • in accordance with the instructions below, select type of preregistration, so called Study-group preregistration portlet (for all obligatory courses) or the portlet Preregistration (for the category of optional courses).

a) Study-group preregistration – for registration of obligatory courses

  • select a study-group, using the link IS/STAG – Study-group preregistration
  • timetable of a given study-group appears, if you agree with the timetable, you must register for the given study-group!!! (a computer monitor is usually too small to display the entire timetable, you should therefore use the right scroll bar to move up, in order to display the entire menu), by pressing the button Perform study-group registration, the registration is saved, alternatively errors in preregistration are displayed for individual courses (if any of the courses are not registered due to full capacity, select a different study-group or remain registered in the given study-group, but notify the Students’ Office (at or about courses not registered
  • timetable can be cancelled by Withdrawal from study group 

b) Preregistration for courses (by selecting individual courses) – only for the category of optional courses

Students register for optional courses after logging in to the UP portal, through the Course preregistration portlet. It is clear from the timetables for individual years that for certain study-groups, some optional courses are blocked (clash with obligatory courses). A student must take this fact into account when selecting his/her study group. Registration for obligatory courses is performed through the Preregistration link (by selecting individual courses).

  • using the link IS/STAG – In Preregistration, choose field/teaching Qualification select a block of courses (e.g. Optional courses)
  • a course timetable will display upon clicking on the course abbreviation (e.g. LBF/VA031)
  • select a free timetable event (i.e. click on a box on the right)
  • save using Save changes
  • the same method is to be applied for each individual course
  • check the timetable you registered for

Once study-group registration has been completed, a student is required to check, whether he/she is registered for all the required obligatory courses, and resolve any possible shortcomings. If a student registers a timetable, but does not fulfil the required prerequisites for registration of some courses (e.g. Credit from “Paediatrics clinical training” is not entered in STAG, he/she will therefore not be able to register the “Paediatrics” course), he/she must, following fulfilment of such prerequisites for a course registration (i.e. once a credit/an examination is entered in STAG by a respective secretary from a given department/clinic), perform a study-group deregistration and then a new repeated registration of a given study-group! (For information about stipulated prerequisites see the "White Book"). If the capacity of certain courses in the selected study-group is already full, i.e. some courses did not register for the student due to full capacity, he/she must select a different study-group!!!


Instructions for registering courses for the 1st year

1st year students do not perform registration themselves. They are required to come to the registration meeting announced by the Students’ Office, which is where the registration will be done for them.

This provision is available for 1st year students ONLY!

Instructions for registration of outgoing students within student mobility programmes

Students going for study placements abroad, registered with the Department of International Relations at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry UP (Erasmus+ programme, student mobility as part of development programmes, etc.) have the right to priority registration from June 27, 2024, 9 a.m. to September 12, 2024, 12 a.m. (midnight).

Instructions for electronic registration for the summer semester of academic year 2024-2025

Additional access to STAG database for additional registration for courses at the Faculty of Medicine, included in teaching during the summer semester of academic year 2024-2025 will be provided from December 11, 2024 (from 9 a.m.) to February 6, 2025 (till 12 a.m. midnight). During this period, students will be able to complete or amend their timetable for the summer semester. After February 6, 2025, the database will be closed again.

During this period, there will be no access to study-group preregistrations! Students can amend their timetable of obligatory courses outside the study-group, if capacity of timetable events allows them to do so. In that case they have to add this course to their credit book and have it signed by one of the registrars at the Students’ Office before the start of the summer semester at the latest.

Students registering a course without training (i.e. training from the given course has been recognized) do not register such course by the means of electronic preregistration (they would thus block the capacity of a given course for other students), instead, they should register it with the assistance of a respective Students’ Office staff. If such course is not registered, they will not be able to register for an examination from a given course.

Students can register:   
A. Registration through web interface (suitable mainly for registration from computers outside the UP network)

For registration of courses, go to Study Agenda UP

  • User ID is your portal ID
  • Password is as set by you (corresponding to the syntax rules of portal password)
  • Select the link Preregistration
  • Under IS/STAG – Preregistration select field/teaching Qualification and select a block of courses (e.g. Optional courses)
  • A course timetable will display upon clicking on the course abbreviation (e.g. PAT/VAA11)
  • Select a free timetable event (i.e. click on a box on the right)
  • Save using Save changes
  • Repeat the entire process for each individual course
  • Check your registered timetable for the summer semester

B. Registration through STAG client (only possible from UP computers)
If students would like to use computers of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry UP for their preregistration, they can do so at the Mores Study Centre at the Theoretical Institutes. Students can register through intranet (i.e. they do not register through the web, but through the so called “client” – displayed on the computer desktop under the STAG icon). Students registering in this manner are not limited by the number of users, and they therefore do not have to worry about getting blocked due to overloaded network capacity. 

  • A student logs into the UP network. His/her login name is the Portal ID and the password is a birth certificate number (without the slash). He/she can find his/her Stag login (e.g. L08022) at, link Contacts.
  • A student logs into the STAG system using an icon on the computer desktop. The name used will be “Stag login” (L08…..) and password "XBIRTHNUMBER" with no slash (if a student has not already changed it in the past)
  • A students registers from the top bar, using a link “Preregistration” and sublink “Registration by the field of study
  • Registration of courses is saved by clicking on the yellow floppy disk icon (top left) or using the F10 key
  • Once registration is completed, it is advised to print out and check the timetable (i.e. a timetable for a student, not the study-group)!!!

Should you experience any issues with registration, contact us by email at or, we will do our best to resolve all matters as soon as possible.

Checking of study / registration

Self-registration, checking of study records

Checking of study in the current academic year will be carried out in two stages:

Stage 1  is done electronically by the means of “self-registration” between 01. 09. 2024 and 15. 09. 2024. Students check their completed study obligations for the current academic year and a list of courses registered for the upcoming year.

Stage 2 

  • students who satisfy the requirements of self-registration will come to the Student Affairs Office to have completion of their study obligations confirmed in the credit book between 23. 09. 2024 and 24. 10. 2024
  • students who do not satisfy the requirements of electronic self-registration must come to the Student Affairs Office ideally by 16. 09. 2024. If that is not possible, they must come within the first week of their classes.

Frequently asked questions

Who can perform electronic self-registration for the new academic year?
Electronic self-registration should be performed between 01. 09. 2024 and 15. 09. 2024. You can self-register if you satisfy the following criteria:

  • all your study obligations for the 2023/2024 academic year are completed (all credits and examinations done within this academic year are entered in STAG, including summer clinical trainings)
  • you are registered for the upcoming academic year 2024/2025 (see timetables and electronic registration/preregistration instructions)

Do I have to self-register?
Self-registration in STAG is compulsory for all students from the second year of studies onwards who will be continuing their studies in the upcoming academic year, except for students who are only left with final state examinations to be completed. Self-registration is not performed by a student, who already had his/her studies checked by the Student Affairs Office.

What is checked during self-registration?
STAG performs an automatic check of the number of credits acquired, completion of courses with repeated registration, not exceeding the maximum limit of 90 credits per year, etc. You will be asked to confirm the data in your “Registration form A – overview of examinations taken in academic year 2023/2024” (i.e. a summary of all exams completed in the current academic year) and “Registration form B – overview of registered courses in academic year 2024/2025” (i.e. a summary of all courses registered for the upcoming year)

How to self-register?
Go through Portal, tab STAG – My study – Course of study.
Click on Check results and register for academic year 2024/2025
Check your Registration form A for 2023/2024 to make sure that all your credits and exam results are entered in the system as they should be (contact the respective department in case of any discrepancies).
Check your Registration form B for 2024/2025 (See if you are registered for all obligatory courses for the upcoming academic year. Register any missing courses or contact the Student Affairs Office for assistance).
If all information is in order, tick the box and click on “Register for academic year”
If you have successfully managed to self-register, have your credit book confirmed by the Student Affairs office between 23. 09. 2024 and 24. 10. 2024.

I have not completed some final exams, but I have the credits.
If you have not completed a final exam from an obligatory subject, request the Student Affairs Office for a second registration of a subject. You will not be required to retake the classes. If you have not completed a final exam from an obligatory subject registered for the second time, it is advisable to apply for an exemption from the Study and Examination Code. If such exemption is approved, the Student Affairs Office will register the course for you. If the exemption is not approved, your studies will have to be terminated.

I have successfully managed the self-registration. Do I still have to go to the Student Affairs Office?
Once your self-registration is completed, you will still be required to have completion of your study obligations confirmed. Nevertheless, you can take your time with this. Come to the Student Affairs Office between 23. 09. 2024 and 24. 10. 2024 (within the office hours). Do not forget to bring the following:
- your credit book (all credits/exams completed during 2023/2024 must be signed for, all courses you are registered for in 2024/2025 must be filled in)
- Registration form A for 2023/2024
- Registration form B for 2024/2025

I have not managed to self-register.
If you are unable to self-register, your registration must be done in person at the Student Affairs Office, ideally by 16. 09. 2024 or within the first week of your classes at the latest. Do not forget to bring the following:
- your credit book (all courses you are registered for in 2024/2025 must be filled in)
- Registration form A for 2023/2024
- Registration form B for 2024/2025

What is the deadline for completing exams for 2023/2024?
All study obligations for the academic year 2023/2024 have to be completed by 06. 09. 2024. They must also be entered in STAG by 09. 09. 2024, 3 pm.

Credit book

How to fill in your credit book?
Download a credit book sample to see how your credit book should be filled in. Only courses that you are actually registered for should be written in the credit book. All courses not completed in the previous year and registered for the second time also need to be written in the credit book.

Checking your study records throughout the year

Results of all study obligations are recordeds in your credit book and electronically in STAG.
It is in your own interest to check that your credits and examination results are entered in STAG within the stipulated deadline, which is tree working days from completing a respective credit/exam (STAG - My study - Grades and course credits).
If you find any discrepancies, contact the respective department (the secretary or your teacher).

Additional registration

Additional registration of obligatory courses after the deadline for checking of study (such as in case of completing prerequsite courses during the given academic year, not before it starts) can only be done by the beginning of summer semester classes (12. 02. 2024).
Strictly no obligatory courses for 2024/2025 will be registered after that date.
Any additional registration must be confirmed (your credit book stamped) by the Student Affairs Office

Additional registration of elective or optional courses may be done anytime throughout the academic year.
Such additional registration does not have to be confirmed by the Student Affairs Office.

State Rigorous Examinations

General Medicine

Final State Examinations' schedules

Optional Subjects

"Only courses listed on the official notice board of the Faculty for the respective academic year may be enrolled from optional courses listed in the programmes of study of other faculties of Palacký University (hereinafter referred to as “UP” or in all-university list of courses."

  • In the academic year 2018-2019, no courses were included in the list.
  • In the academic year 2017-2018, no courses were included in the list.
  • In the academic year 2016-2017, no courses were included in the list.



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