News Archive
23. 10. 2020
With respect to the current Czech Government measures in effect, the UP Library Zbrojnice (Armoury) main branch and all other faculty branches are closed as of 22 October. But lending books has not stopped. In order for UP...
14. 10. 2020
In conjunction with government and Palacký University measures, there will be changes in the university library hours starting from Friday, 16 October at both the main library (Zbrojnice – Armoury) and faculty library branches. As...
21. 9. 2020
Dear students, esteemed colleagues, allow me to greet you upon the occasion of the new 2020/2021 academic year.
10. 9. 2020
Palacký University has made an agreement with doctors at the Olomouc Military Hospital to provide health services for international students and UP employees. Contact the doctors Monday–Friday, preferably from 9–11 am via...
24. 7. 2020
You can now buy a ticket to Olomouc public transport via SEJF's special mobile app, which offers more variability compared to regular SMS tickets (discounted fares, all-day ticket, use for foreign SIM cards as well).
30. 4. 2020
The Government of the Czech Republic, in conjunction with the actual situation of the coronavirus pandemic, has amended the rules as of 27 April 2020 for EU citizens and other foreigners to enter the territory of the Czech...
22. 5. 2020
The faculty buildings are only open on working days. Students can only enter the faculty buildings after a prior agreement by a teacher, a faculty employee, in form of signing up for an exam. In certain situations, it is possible...
12. 5. 2020
Books can once again be borrowed from the UP Library. Information about the special borrowing system via the “loans window” can be found below. How does it work? The system is contact-less, via a window on the ground floor...
11. 5. 2020
Dear Colleagues, Employees, Students, It’s evident that the crisis brought on by the coronavirus epidemic is gradually ebbing, and our society, the Czech Republic, and all of Europe are slowly getting back to normal life.
6. 5. 2020
However, due to actual course of events and specifics of each faculty we kindly ask you to follow closely the latest news and information from your faculty. UP management, in conjunction with the deans of all faculties, has...