News Archive
3. 5. 2021
Dear colleagues, let me inform you that in accordance with the endorsed Strategy for vaccination against covid-19 in the Czech Republic, registration for vaccination against covid-19 for academics at Universities and colleges has...
8. 12. 2020
We would like to inform UP employees who take advantage of a discounted T-Mobile tariff that the conditions for using the employee programme will change from 1 January 2021.
4. 3. 2021
Dear colleagues, The obligatory testing of employees which started on March 3, 2021 in the CR, is not relevant for our Faculty employees. Nevertheless, it is possible to get tested with an antigenic test to which you can submit...
3. 3. 2021
With regards to rapid developments and new, updated government measures and procedures, we have summarised the most basic information relating to the organisation of work and student life at UP. In case of any questions or if...
19. 2. 2021
The International Division of Palacký University Olomouc (UP) is launching Aurora Alliance Mini-Grant Programme to further support the development of the European Universities strategic partnership goals of the Aurora Alliance....
14. 1. 2021
Establishment of teaching and examination regimes at faculties and departments During the Covid-19 pandemic, Palacký University Olomouc is being operated in accordance with government measures and Ministry of Education...
12. 1. 2021
The Rector of Palacký University Olomouc has made an emphatic appeal for the necessity of reflecting on the critical epidemic situation in the Czech Republic and examining students on-line, whenever possible, if their physical...
8. 1. 2021
The withdrawal of Great Britain from the European Union also entails changes that affect universities – for example, those involved in the EU’s Erasmus+ programme. How will Palacký University Olomouc, which currently has nineteen...
18. 12. 2020
Austria, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Spain, Romania, Finland, Russia, Taiwan, and of course, Czechia. There, wherever foreigners are learning advanced Czech, it’s from the Czech it UP textbooks published by Palacký University Press...
2. 12. 2020
Yesterday, in the premises in building no. 47 of the Faculty of Science in Olomouc-Holice the FreshUP bistro was opened. It will complement and enrich the operations of the Holice canteen with its operating hours and offer of...