News Archive
23. 10. 2021
In conjunction with the persisting presence of Covid-19, in the following text we summarise the currently valid measures which apply to the regime at Palacký University, including additional recommendations and decrees of UP...
14. 10. 2021
For the second time now, students of the UP Faculty of Health Sciences are challenging their peers and employees from other UP faculties to a blood donation and now also blood plasma donation contest. The challenge will run the...
14. 9. 2021
In conjunction with the persistent presence of Covid-19, the text which follows will summarise the current valid measures relating to Palacký University, including the supplemental recommendations of UP Rector Martin Procházka,...
8. 9. 2021
Dear academia at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, as the summer is coming to its end, new academic year is about to start. The past academic year 2020/2021 was significantly influenced by Covid-19 pandemic and the whole...
31. 8. 2021
Gain international experience in doctoral education and establish contacts with reseachers from AURORA partner institutions for further collaborations.
2. 7. 2021
Dear colleagues and students, The end of the summer semester is nearing, one which was again drastically influenced by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. I would like to thank all of you for how you coped with this unusual situation...
23. 6. 2021
On the basis of the cessation of the extraordinary government measures dated 7 June (in Czech), as of 1 July, blanket testing of UP employees and students is no longer mandatory on UP premises. The current regular testing at...
25. 5. 2021
Dear colleagues, Dear students, The highly demanding and non-standard academic year 2020/2021 is coming to its end and although it has not finished yet completely, I feel it is appropriate to evaluate it and thank you all for...
13. 5. 2021
Dear academics, Let us inform you that beginning today, forms in IS HAP for collecting data of 2020 will be open for completion/control at our faculty. The deadline for collecting the data is May 31, 2021 (more information here...
10. 5. 2021
As of 10 May, the current system of exemptions allowing the most important retail segments has ended. All retailers can open again, the reduction of a range of products and markets has also ended, the range of services has been...