Mobility Abroad
Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport for the years 2021–2027. The programme brings mobility opportunities also to teachers and staff.
Mobility for teachers and staff
The Erasmus+ programme offers the following opportunities for teachers and staff:
The mobility plan for the upcoming academic year, i.e. the number of outbound teachers and duration of mobilities, must be communicated by the Faculty to the UP IRO by the end of February. The selection procedure is held at the Dean's Office of the Faculty, contact person: Ing. Petra Nakládalová (e-mail:, phone: +420 585 632 015).
With Erasmus+, opportunities are available to spend time teaching at an education institution abroad. Teaching assignments may be held only based on a valid bilateral agreement.During the mobility, the teacher must give instruction in the agreed field in the form of lectures, seminars, practical training and possibly also student consultation. The instruction should form part of the study programme of the receiving institution. A teaching activity has to comprise a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week (or any shorter period of stay). The minimum duration is 2 days. Erasmus+ funds the days of teaching, including also one travel day before the activity and one travel day following the activity.
Training can be held in organisations of various kind, including university centres. No format is prescribed, as the training may involve teaching/training assignments at a partner organisation, job shadowing, a course etc. The condition is to acquire new competence and skills applicable at home organisation. Participation in conferences is not considered a training activity. The minimum duration is 2 days. Erasmus+ funds the days of teaching, including also one travel day before the activity and one travel day following the activity.
More information can be found at the International Offcice website.
Offers and Information for Academic and Research Staff
Governmental Scholarships through the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
The Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, with the support of international agreements, offers study and research sojourns in about 40 countries. These international agreements also contain stipulations on student and teacher exchange sojourns. This provides the basis for a certain number of scholarship places offered. The length of the sojourn, the number of available places and the requirements the applicants have to comply with are generally stipulated in the international (bilateral) agreements. These agreements provide the framework within which the scholarship sojourns are offered in the Czech Republic.
Scholarship sojourns are awarded in two different ways:
- according to a quota for concrete host countries which the Czech Ministry issues for individual universities;
- through competitive selection procedures in which students from all public universities can participate.
The list of available scholarship sojourns is accessible online at: (in Czech).
See also the information on the web of IRO UPOL.