30. 4. 2020

Dear colleagues, with respect to the actual development of the spread of the COVID-19 virus, and in conjunction with the relaxation of emergency measures by the Government of the Czech Republic, I am ending the work-at-home...

24. 4. 2020

With respect to current developments in the situation regarding the spread of the COVID-19 virus and in conjunction with the loosening of crisis measures by the Czech government, Rector Jaroslav Miller has lifted the ban on...

24. 4. 2020

In conjunction with Czech government relaxation of emergency measures, as of Monday, 27 April, all students are allowed to enter the university after mandatory prior agreement with their teacher(s), and upon their instructions,...

17. 4. 2020

Based upon new shifts in strategy by the Government of the Czech Republic as of 14 April 2020 in conjunction with the declared State of Emergency and the measures to prevent the spread of the new type of coronavirus, as of 20...

29. 3. 2020

Dozens of students of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medicine & Dentistry have become permanent reinforcements for the staff of many departments at University Hospital Olomouc in recent weeks, including a COVID-19 testing...

29. 3. 2020

The current State of Emergency in the Czech Republic regarding the coronavirus epidemic – and everything that goes with it – also affects hundreds of foreign residents and students in Olomouc and its surroundings. Palacký...

27. 3. 2020

The current emergency situation in the Czech Republic – and the special measures at Palacký University that go with it – has sparked many questions and uncertainties from both students and staff. UP management chose the format of...

18. 3. 2020

Dear employees, Relating to the current situation it is necessary to take measures concerning the Faculty premises valid from March 19 (Thursday), 2020. You can only enter the building via reception. Only employees with...

17. 3. 2020

In connection with the latest measures of the government of the Czech republic the regime of student dormitories is temporarily changed.

12. 3. 2020

Please pay special attention to new and updated information and instructions for employees and students in connection with the declaration of emergency in the Czech Republic.

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