24. 11. 2022
Institute for Excellence in Internationalisaion (IEI) warmly invites you to a lecture on Teaching and Learning in a Multilingual Society: Migration and Multilingualism in Austria and its Consequences for Internationalisation in...
22. 11. 2022
We are looking specifically for Erasmus students, foreign Degree students and foreign academics who would like to help us improve our services for foreigners.
21. 10. 2022
A new contact point for all international visitors and students has opened at Palacký University Olomouc. Guests from abroad can get all the information they need in one place, regarding studying and working at UP, and even...
13. 10. 2022
In the next three months, Times Higher Education (THE), publisher of one of the most esteemed global university rankings, will be gathering data on university reputations. We're asking all employees who might be selected and asked...
6. 10. 2022
On Wednesday 12th October 2022, you are invited to the Aurora LOUIS Workshop, which will take place from 09:00 to 13:00 at the Faculty of Law, room A.01.
19. 9. 2022
Dear Students and Colleagues, We are embarking upon a new academic year, and right from its beginning, it is clear that in the next few months we will have to again tackle several difficult situations concurrently. Among them are...
30. 6. 2022
Dear colleagues, dear students, The end of the academic year is approaching, and the time of holidays and summer vacations is beginning. It is also a good opportunity for me to thank you for your work over the past semester. We...
22. 6. 2022
High school students from different European countries can attend, for free, a special course of English. The course is in preparation by the Language Centre (CJV) at the Palacký University Faculty of Arts, in co-operation with...
18. 3. 2019
The Young Researcher Grant Competition aims to support excellent research by young researchers and members of academic staff below the age of 37 when establishing new research teams and laboratories, as well as developing their...
27. 5. 2022
Palacký University Olomouc achieved significant success at the spring meeting of universities comprising Aurora. UP, formerly an associate member of the Aurora European Universities Alliance, has become a full member of the global...