24. 10. 2019
From November 1, 2019, it will no longer be possible to use the MACRO cards.
21. 10. 2019
Palacký University Olomouc’s Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry is the first in the Czech Republic to pass the demanding external evaluation to receive accreditation from the Association of Medical Schools in Europe (AMSE), which...
27. 9. 2019
V rámci agendy péče o zaměstnance UP bychom vás rádi informovali o aktuálních slevách a výhodách ze strany externích partnerů, se kterými má univerzita uzavřenou spolupráci.
16. 9. 2019
These days there may occur short-term slowdowns and outages of individual UP websites. The reason is moving the technology to a new server. We anticipate the end of this process and a return to normal operation during this week....
16. 4. 2019
Vážené kolegyně, vážení kolegové, v rámci agendy péče o zaměstnance UP bychom vás rádi informovali o aktuálních slevách a výhodách ze strany externích partnerů, se kterými má univerzita uzavřenou spolupráci.
5. 4. 2019
Univerzita Palackého se umístila na 101. až 200. místě v novém mezinárodním žebříčku vysokých škol THE: University Impact Ranking 2019, který je zaměřený na udržitelné cíle rozvoje OSN a zohledňuje sociální i ekonomické dopady...
27. 3. 2019
A healthy, competitive, and sustainable Europe. This is the theme and objective defined for the following years by an international team of universities within a joint research and sharing of expertise and experts project. “The...
20. 3. 2019
Palacký University has once again improved its position in one of the most prestigious international academic rankings, QS World University Ranking by Subject. In this year’s edition, UP has placed in six out of 48 monitored...
18. 3. 2019
The Young Researcher Grant Competition aims to support excellent research by young researchers and members of academic staff below the age of 37 when establishing new research teams and laboratories, as well as developing their...
12. 3. 2019
Czech Republic Settlement Scheme for UK citizens after Brexit