Academic Senate of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
prof. MUDr. Tomáš Papajík, CSc.
Chairman of the Senat
phone: 588 444 305
prof. Mgr. Jiří Drábek, Ph.D.
1st Vice-Chairman of the Senat
phone: 585 632 070
Michal Kropáček
2nd Vice-Chairman of the Senat
Current Members of the Academic Senate
Anzenbacher Pavel prof. RNDr. CSc. | Ústav farmakologie |
Drábek Jiří prof. Mgr. Ph.D. 1st Vice-Chairman of the Senat | Laboratoř experimentální medicíny |
Dráč Pavel doc. MUDr. Ph.D. | Traumatologická klinika |
Džubák Petr MUDr. Ph.D. | Laboratoř experimentální medicíny |
Falt Přemysl doc. MUDr. Ph.D. | II. interní klinika |
Franková Eliška | 3. ročník Lékařská fakulta – všeobecné lékařství |
Gallo Jiří prof. MUDr. Ph.D. | Ortopedická klinika |
Hajdúch Marián doc. MUDr. Ph.D. | Ústav molekulární a translační medicíny |
Hartmann Igor MUDr. Ph.D. | Urologická klinika |
Hasala Michal | 3. ročník Lékařská fakulta – zubní lékařství |
Havlík Roman prof. MUDr. Ph.D. | I. chirurgická klinika |
Holenda Jakub | 2. ročník Lékařská fakulta – všeobecné lékařství |
Horák Pavel prof. MUDr. CSc. | III. interní klinika |
Horňáčková Katarína | 4. ročník Lékařská fakulta – všeobecné lékařství |
Hulej Jan | 2. ročník Lékařská fakulta – zubní lékařství |
Chamlarová Soňa | 4. ročník Lékařská fakulta – zubní lékařství |
Jakubec Petr MUDr. Ph.D. | Klinika plicních nemocí a TBC |
Jakuš Adam | 4. ročník Lékařská fakulta - všeobecné lékařství |
Klementová Olga MUDr. Ph.D. | Klinika anesteziologie, resuscitace a intenzivní medicíny |
Kocmanová Kateřina | 5. ročník Lékařská fakulta – všeobecné lékařství |
Kolář Zdeněk prof. MUDr. CSc. | Ústav klinické a molekulární patologie |
Kriegová Eva doc. Ing. Dr. | Ústav imunologie |
Kropáček Michal 2nd Vice-Chairman of the Senat | 2. ročník Lékařská fakulta – všeobecné lékařství |
Křupka Michal Mgr. Ph.D. | Ústav imunologie |
Kundrát Jan | 3. ročník Lékařská fakulta – všeobecné lékařství |
Minařík Jiří doc. MUDr. Mgr. Ph.D. | Hemato-onkologická klinika |
Molčanová Adéla | 3. ročník Lékařská fakulta – všeobecné lékařství |
Najdekr Lukáš Mgr. Ph.D. | Ústav molekulární a translační medicíny |
Ondrušek Ondřej | 4. ročník Lékařská fakulta – všeobecné lékařství |
Papajík Tomáš prof. MUDr. CSc. Chairman of the Senat | Hemato-onkologická klinika |
Raclavský Vladislav doc. MUDr. Ph.D. | Ústav mikrobiologie |
Salzman Richard doc. MUDr. PhD. | Klinika ORL |
Seidler David | 5. ročník Lékařská fakulta – všeobecné lékařství |
Skalický Pavel MUDr. Mgr. Ph.D. | I. chirurgická klinika |
Směšná Yvona MUDr. Ph.D. | Ústav mikrobiologie |
Urban Ondřej doc. MUDr. Ph.D. | II. interní klinika |
Valová Nina | 4. ročník Lékařská fakulta – všeobecné lékařství |
Vostálová Jitka doc. RNDr. Ph.D. | Ústav lékařské chemie a biochemie |
Zalibera Adam | 4. ročník Lékařská fakulta – všeobecné lékařství |
Academic Senate Committees
At the present time, the Academic Senate has the following committees:
Economic Committee
- prof. MUDr. Tomáš Papajík, CSc. - chairman
- prof. RNDr. Pavel Anzenbacher, DrSc. - deputy chairman
- doc. MUDr. Marián Hajdúch, Ph.D.
- MUDr. Petr Jakubec, Ph.D.
- doc. MUDr. David Karásek, Ph.D.
- doc. Dr. Ing. Eva Kriegová
- prof. MUDr. Roman Havlík, Ph.D.
- MUDr. Daniel Nuzík
- prof. MUDr. Jiří Gallo, Ph.D.
- Michal Kropáček
The Minutes of Economic Committee Meetings (in Czech)
Legislation Committee
- doc. MUDr. Mgr. Jiří Minařík, Ph.D. – chairman
- doc. MUDr. Vladislav Raclavský, Ph.D.
- MUDr. Mgr. Pavel Skalický, Ph.D. – deputy chairman
- Ing. Mgr. Arnošt Rybář
- Matúš Maxmilián Jedinák
- David Seidler
The Minutes of Legistation Committee Meetings (in Czech)
Teaching Committee
- doc. RNDr. Jitka Vostálová, Ph.D. – chairwoman
- prof. MUDr. Vladimír Mihál, CSc.
- prof. MUDr. Pavel Horák, CSc.
- prof. MUDr. Vít Procházka, Ph.D.
- doc. MUDr. Ondřej Urban, Ph.D.
- MDDr. Milan Hvostik
- MUDr. Natália Ehnová
- Adéla Molčanová
- Jakub Olejko
- Nina Valová
The Minutes of Teaching Committee Meetings (in Czech)
About the Academic Senate
The role of academic senates at public higher education institutions and their faculties
General characteristics and competencies of academic senates at public higher education institutions and their faculties
One of the academic freedoms as defined by the act on higher education institutions (Act No. 111/1998 Coll.) is the right of members of the academic community to elect their representative academic bodies. The autonomous academic bodies of a public higher education institution or its faculty are the Academic Senate, the Rector, the Dean, the Scientific Board and the Disciplinary Committee. The Academic Senate of a public higher education institution / faculty is its autonomous representative academic body. According to the act It consists of at least eleven / nine members, of whom at least one third and at most one half must be students.
The academic community of a faculty elects the members of the Academic Senate from among its ranks. The election is direct, by secret ballot. The internal regulations of a faculty specify in particular the number of members of the Academic Senate, the manner in which they are to be elected, the manner in which the Chair of the Academic Senate is to be elected, the official bodies of the Academic Senate and how they are to be established, the reasons and the date of the termination of membership in the Academic Senate, and the possible incompatibility of membership in the Academic Senate with the exercise of other duties. Membership in the Academic Senate of a faculty is incompatible with the offices of Rector, Vice-Rectors, Bursar, Deans, Vice-Deans, Faculty Bursar and director of a higher education institution institute. The term of office of members of the Academic Senate of a faculty may not exceed three years. If a student elected to the Academic Senate should, during his/her term of office, be admitted to another, directly linked degree programme, the internal regulations of the faculty may include a provision permitting retention of membership in the Academic Senate. The term of office of all members of the Academic Senate at a faculty is terminated should the Academic Senate fail to hold meetings for a period of six months. Within thirty days at the most the Dean will then call new elections. The meetings of the Academic Senate of a faculty are open to the public. The Dean, or a Vice-Dean acting on his/her behalf, and the Chair of the Academic Senate of the public higher education institution, or a designated member of the Academic Senate of the institution acting on his/her behalf, has the right to speak at a meeting of the Academic Senate any time he or she so requests. Upon the Dean’s or the Rector’s request, the Chair of the Academic Senate must call an extraordinary meeting of the Academic Senate of the faculty without delay.
In accordance with Act No. 111/1998 Coll., The Academic Senate of a faculty, acting upon a proposal from the Dean, takes decisions on establishing, merging, amalgamating, splitting or dissolving individual units at the faculty; acting upon a proposal from the Dean or from a member of the Academic Senate of the faculty in the case of the Rules of Order for which the Academic Senate requested the Dean’s stance, approves proposals for the internal regulations of the faculty and submits them for approval to the Academic Senate of the higher education institution; approves the allocation of the financial resources of the faculty, as presented by the Dean, and monitors their use; approves the annual reports on the activities and on the financial management of the faculty, which are presented by the Dean; approves the admission regulations for the degree programmes offered by the faculty; gives the Dean prior approval for nominating or dismissing members of the Scientific Board and the members of the Disciplinary Committee of the faculty; votes on proposals to nominate or dismiss the Dean; acting upon a proposal from the Dean, approves the strategic plan for teaching and creative activities of the faculty, worked out in compliance with the strategic plan of the public higher education institution after discussion by the Scientific Board of the faculty.
The Academic Senate of the faculty expresses its view on the following subjects in particular proposals for degree programmes to be offered by the faculty and the intention of the Dean to appoint or dismiss Vice-Deans. The Academic Senate of the faculty votes by ballot, in particular in the case of proposals to nominate or dismiss the Dean. A proposal for the nomination of the Dean is passed if it receives a majority of the votes of the total membership of the Academic Senate of the faculty. A proposal for dismissal of the Dean is passed if it receives at least three fifths of the votes of the total membership of the Academic Senate of the faculty.
Academic Senate of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacký University Olomouc
In accordance with the Constitution of the Faculty, the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacký University Olomouc has 36 members (senators) elected from the members of the academic community of the Faculty, of whom 12 are students. The Academic Senate is headed by its Chairperson elected from among its academic staff members and two Vice-Chairs, one elected from among its academic staff members and one elected from among its student members. The Academic Senate may establish advisory committees. Each committee is headed by its chair elected from among the senators. The committee members may be members of the academic community of the Faculty as well as other experts. The committees have at least 5 and at most 10 members.
At the present time, the Academic Senate has the following committees:
The term of office of members of the Academic Senate of a faculty may not exceed three years.
Any member of the academic community of the Faculty may nominate a candidate for the Academic Senate, including themselves. Academic staff vote for academic staff candidates; students vote for student candidates.
The dates of meetings of the Academic Senate are announced at the beginning of a calendar year. The date, place and agenda of a meeting are posted on the Faculty website at least seven days before the meeting.
The Academic Senate Meetings are held in Czech/Slovak.
The minutes of Academic Senate meetings including resolutions adopted are posted on the Faculty website.
The Minutes and Invitations of Academic Senate Meetings (in Czech)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 1.4.2025 ( 1. April 2025)
- Zápis AS LF UP 25.2.2025 (25. February 2025)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 25.2.2025 (25. February 2025)
- Zápis AS LF UP 3.12.2024 ( 3. December 2024)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 3.12.2024 ( 3. December 2024)
- Zápis AS LF UP 5.11.2024 ( 5. November 2024)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 5.11.2024 ( 5. November 2024)
- Zápis AS LF UP 4.6.2024 ( 4. June 2024)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 4.6.2024 ( 4. June 2024)
- Zápis AS LF UP 2.4.2024 ( 2. April 2024)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 2.4.2024 ( 2. April 2024)
- Zápis AS LF UP 6.2.2024 ( 6. February 2024)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 6.2.2024 ( 6. February 2024)
- Zápis AS LF UP 5.12.2023 ( 5. December 2023)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 5.12.2023 ( 5. December 2023)
- Zápis AS LF UP 3.10.2023 ( 3. October 2023)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 3.10.2023 ( 3. October 2023)
- Zápis AS LF UP 20.6.2023 (20. June 2023)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 20.6.2023 (20. June 2023)
- Zápis AS LF UP 6.6.2023 ( 6. June 2023)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 6.6.2023 ( 6. June 2023)
- Zápis AS LF UP 11.4.2023 (11. April 2023)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 11.4.2023 (11. April 2023)
- Zápis AS LF UP 28.3.2023 (28. March 2023)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 28.3.2023 (28. March 2023)
- Zápis AS LF UP 14.2.2023 (14. February 2023)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 14.2.2023 (14. February 2023)
- Zápis AS LF UP 6.12.2022 ( 6. December 2022)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 6.12.2022 ( 6. December 2022)
- Zápis AS LF UP 4.10.2022 ( 4. October 2022)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 4.10.2022 ( 4. October 2022)
- Zápis AS LF UP 24.5.2022 (24. May 2022)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 24.5.2022 (24. May 2022)
- Zápis AS LF UP 3.5.2022 ( 3. May 2022)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 3.5.2022 ( 3. May 2022)
- Zápis AS LF UP 5.4.2022 ( 5. April 2022)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 5.4.2022 ( 5. April 2022)
- Zápis AS LF UP 1.2.2022 ( 1. February 2022)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 1.2.2022 ( 1. February 2022)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 7.12.2021 ( 7. December 2021)
- Zápis AS LF UP 7.12.2021 ( 7. December 2021)
- Zápis AS LF UP 26.10.2021 (26. October 2021)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 26.10.2021 (26. October 2021)
- Zápis AS LF UP 14.9.2021 (14. September 2021)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 14.9.2021 (14. September 2021)
- Zápis AS LF UP 15.6.2021 (15. June 2021)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 15.6.2021 (15. June 2021)
- Zápis AS LF UP 4.5.2021 ( 4. May 2021)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 4.5.2021 ( 4. May 2021)
- Zápis AS LF UP 23.2.2021 (23. February 2021)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 23.2.2021 (23. February 2021)
- Zápis AS LF UP 2.2.2021 ( 2. February 2021)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 2.2.2021 ( 2. February 2021)
- Zápis AS LF UP 1. 12. 2020 ( 1. December 2020)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 1.12.2020 ( 1. December 2020)
- Zápis AS LF UP 27. 10. 2020 (27. October 2020)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 27.10.2020 (27. October 2020)
- Zápis AS LF UP 23.6.2020 (23. June 2020)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 23.6.2020 (23. June 2020)
- zápis AS LF 11.2.2020 (11. February 2020)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 11.2.2020 (11. February 2020)
- Zápis AS LF ze zasedání 10. 12. 2019 (10. December 2019)
- Program AS LF 10. 12. 2019 (10. December 2019)
- Zápis AS LF UP z 1. 10. 2019 ( 1. October 2019)
- Pozvánka a program AS LF 1. 10. 2019 ( 1. October 2019)
- Zápis ze zasedání 4. 6. 2019 ( 4. June 2019)
- Pozvánka a program AS LF 4. 6. 2019 ( 4. June 2019)
- Zápis ze zasedání 23. 4. 2019 (23. April 2019)
- Pozvánka a program AS LF 23. 4. 2019 (23. April 2019)
- Zápis ze zasedání 19. 3. 2019 (19. March 2019)
- Pozvánka a program 19. 3. 2019 (19. March 2019)
- Pozvánka a program zasedání 19. 3. 2019 (19. March 2019)
- Zápis ze zasedání 12. 2. 2019 (12. February 2019)
- Pozvánka a program AS LF 12. 2. 2019 (12. February 2019)
- zápis AS LF UP z 11. 12. 2018 (11. December 2018)
- Program jednání AS LF 11. 12. 2018 (11. December 2018)
- zápis AS LF z 27. 11. 2018 (27. November 2018)
- Pozvánka na zasedání 27. 11. 2018 (27. November 2018)
- Zápis AS LF UP 2. 10. 2018 ( 2. October 2018)
- zápis AS LF 2. 10. 2018 ( 2. October 2018)
- Navržený program jednání AS LF UP 2. 10. 2018 ( 2. October 2018)
- Zápis AS LF UP 22. 5. 2018 (22. May 2018)
- Navržený program pro jednání 22. 5. 2018 (22. May 2018)
- Zápis AS LF UP 27. 3. 2018 (27. March 2018)
- Navržený program jednání 27. 3. 2018 (27. March 2018)
- Zápis AS LF ze 20. 2. 2018 (20. February 2018)
- Navržený program jednání 20. 2. 2018 (20. February 2018)
- Zápis AS LF z 12. 12. 2017 (12. December 2017)
- Navržený program jednání 12. 12. 2017 (12. December 2017)
- Zápis AS LF z 3. 10. 2017 ( 3. October 2017)
- Pozvánka na zasedání 3. 10. 2017 ( 3. October 2017)
- Zápis AS LF z 30. 5. 2017 (30. May 2017)
- Program jednání 30. 5. 2017 (pdf) (30. May 2017)
- Program jednání 30. 5. 2017 (30. May 2017)
- Zápis AS LF z 2. 5. 2017 ( 2. May 2017)
- Program jednání 2. 5. 2017 ( 2. May 2017)
- Zápis AS LF z 28. března 2017 (28. March 2017)
- Zápis AS LF z 14. 2. 2017 (14. February 2017)
- Plán zasedání AS LF UP na rok 2017 (14. February 2017)